How Can I Reduce My Sugar Consumption?

Scientific studies have shown that too much sugar is an important risk factor for non-communicable chronic diseases. That is why it is very useful to know strategies that can be used to reduce sugar consumption. 

How can I reduce my sugar consumption?

Excess sugar can increase the risk of various complex diseases. It has been shown that frequent sugar consumption  can pose a health risk. Nevertheless, it is an ingredient that is usually used in large quantities in industrially manufactured products.

Most of us consume too much sugar. However, if we reduce our  sugar  consumption, we can also reduce insulin resistance and reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, obesity or cancer at the same time. We have therefore put together various strategies to make this goal easier.

Replace finished products with fresh food

Most manufactured products contain sugar, often in large quantities. Regardless of whether it is white sugar, raw sugar, honey or other types of sugar, these ingredients cause stress for the pancreas and harm the organism. 

One of the easiest strategies to reduce sugar consumption is  to replace manufactured foods with fresh ones. Fresh foods also provide important proteins, vitamins and antioxidants that are beneficial to health.

But not all processed foods are unhealthy. There are also some exceptions: for example, foods that are preserved without additional ingredients, such as cooked legumes in a glass can. Although these were also manufactured industrially, they are a good alternative that has its place in a healthy diet.

Reduce sugar consumption and cook fresh
Replacing convenience foods with fresh foods is one of the best strategies to reduce sugar intake.

Sugar consumption: don’t let the product description mislead you!

The food industry often uses euphemisms to gloss over or hide the word “sugar” and sell the product as healthy. Sugar can have many names, but they all mean the same thing. It doesn’t matter whether it contains white sugar, cane sugar, honey, panela, fructose or other types of sugar, all of them are harmful to health in excess. They overload the pancreas and increase the risk of certain diseases.

You should therefore carefully  analyze the ingredients of each product before you decide to buy it. Maybe you can find a healthier alternative after all!

Eat less to reduce sugar consumption

If you eat less,  you will most likely be consuming less sugar. It seems obvious, but there are many people who eat way beyond their needs.

There are a number of helpful strategies you can use to achieve this goal:  intermittent fasting, weighing your food, or simply eating a little less of everything and stopping when you are almost full. 

You should try to separate your emotions from the food and not be seduced by the organoleptic properties. This will help you limit yourself and avoid overeating.

This situation can also help you choose healthy and necessary foods  instead of consuming high-calorie, sugary products that are harmful to your health.

Reduce sugar consumption and eat more fruit
Although it seems obvious, many eat far beyond their needs: Cut down on your food, because at the same time you will be consuming less sugar. Your health and weight will benefit greatly from this!

Sugar Consumption: When Can Sugar Be Positive?

Sugar provides  energy and should therefore be taken into account in certain situations. For example, you can eat something sweet before your exercise or during exercise. 

You don’t have to do without sugar completely and you can even benefit from it by improving your athletic performance and preventing exhaustion. If you  eat finished products or sweetened products, this should always be accompanied by exercise! On a sedentary day, you’d better avoid it.


Excessive sugar consumption is a great evil of our time that has a very negative effect on our health. Many unconsciously consume too much of the sweet temptation. It is therefore best to limit your sugar consumption and try to eat sweets only before or during sporting activities. The health consequences of increased consumption can be very serious.

The best thing to do is to reduce the consumption of industrially manufactured products and replace them with fresh food. In addition, you should always analyze the list of ingredients carefully so as not to be fooled. The easiest way to do this is to be made aware of this problem in childhood and learn what a healthy diet looks like. 

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