Highly Sensitive People: 9 Characteristic Traits

Highly sensitive people are more introverted than the rest, they enjoy solitude. When you start a project, you give everything to make it happen.

Highly sensitive people: 9 characteristic traits

Today’s article is about the characteristics that characterize  highly sensitive people  . Maybe you can identify with it?

Everyone has their own personal gift, even if we cannot always see them. To know a person’s virtues, one only has to look at his or her story.

Wounds can turn into skills, especially when they make you more sensitive than others. Good qualities can also be shown by others, it is only important to be open to this possibility.

There are people who can listen, have initiative, are creative, show great perseverance, are always loyal and can feel in a very special way.

Many people are touched far more deeply by world events than we think. 

Sensitive people therefore react more strongly and cannot adapt easily. Therefore, for many, the question remains whether hypersensitivity is a curse or a blessing.

Highly sensitive people are very sensitive

Most think that highly sensitive people are guided by their intuition and have a lot of empathy. Even if they are looking for solitude, they are emotionally very attached to those around them.

They live  according to their own rhythm and although they like to be alone, they have a very real idea of ​​reality because they internalize many aspects that others simply overlook.

Often highly sensitive people feel guilty  because they are misunderstood and their sensitivity is classified by some as dangerous to society. 

Many people therefore try to forget the real self and adapt, which can put them under great pressure. Many therefore hide their feelings instead of accepting them as they are. 

Highly sensitive people: characteristic traits

Due to fear, misinformation and confusion, it often takes years for highly sensitive people to become aware of their emotional power, energy and sensitivity.

Highly sensitive people and their characteristic features

During the process, highly sensitive people find out that they have different characteristics from the rest of the world. We have listed some of these for you below:

1. They are very intuitive people

The extraordinary sensitivity makes it possible to read between the lines and notice things that others miss.

Highly sensitive people can therefore usually determine at first glance  what mood their interlocutor is in and what the situation is. 

2. You can easily hear subtleties

Highly sensitive people are very keen and can quickly make connections between different events.

Liars, for example, are quickly discovered. You see many things clearly and unambiguously that are inconspicuous or difficult to understand for others.

3. You are very empathetic

Highly sensitive people can put themselves in the shoes of their fellow human beings and understand them.  That’s why it’s easy for them to make relationships.

Peter F. Druncker describes this ability very well with the following words: “ The true empathic can even hear what the silence is saying. The most important thing in a conversation is to hear what is not said. “

4. You experience extraordinary emotions

Highly sensitive people convey and feel emotions in a magical way.  They are sensitive and interact very sensitively with the environment, which many do not even notice. They experiment with their own feelings and those of others.

Highly sensitive people experience extraordinary emotions

5. You are able to convey feelings in a simple way

Due to their sensitivity, these people are able to describe events precisely and in a way that is understandable and emotional for others . This allows them to explore their own selves and the collective self .

6. You feel good even when you are alone

Highly sensitive people feel good when they are alone and often seek silence to connect with their own emotions and their inner self .

In the specialist literature, they are described as more introverted than many others, as they see their surroundings as more difficult and complicated than the rest of humanity.

7. You are reliable

Highly sensitive people are very helpful and make life easier for others. It can be said that because of their sensitivity they can make the world a better place.

8. You laugh and cry easily

The emotions of highly sensitive people can break out quickly, which is a healthy reduction in emotions. In this way they also get rid of restrictive thought patterns and purify the soul as well as the glasses through which you see the world.

9. They are deep thinkers

For this reason, they are very good at working in a team and achieve the goals they set themselves. Highly sensitive people give everything when they start a project to  make it happen.

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