Healthy Training Against Varicose Veins

In order to promote blood circulation and treat varicose veins, sufficient exercise is recommended. We recommend walking, swimming or cycling for half an hour each day.

Healthy training against varicose veins

Varicose veins or varices are pathologically enlarged veins that stand out especially on the legs. Find out today how healthy exercise can help combat  varicose veins .

If the venous outflow is obstructed, varicose veins can form in almost all parts of the body. They become visible as winding, bluish shimmering serpentine lines. But it’s not just a cosmetic problem, it’s a health problem. 

Anyone can get it, but it mainly affects older, overweight and sedentary people. Varicose veins can be removed medically through surgery. But first of all, changing lifestyle habits is recommended, as it is a warning from the body.

In addition to other measures, it is advisable to strengthen the leg muscles. That is why we recommend the right training against varicose veins today 

However, if you want to be successful, you need to practice these exercises regularly! Take frequent breaks to relax your muscles. You can gradually increase the intensity and duration of the workout.

Healthy training against varicose veins

Exercises while lying down

Training against varicose veins

You can do this training against varicose veins in a short breather:

  • In the supine position on the floor, lift your legs and support them against the wall. This position improves blood circulation and has a relaxing effect at the same time.
  • Lift your legs, stretch them out and open and close them several times in a row.
  • While in the same position in the air, cycle or make circular movements with your feet.
  • Alternately bend one leg to your chest and hold your knee, stay in this position for a few seconds. This exercise trains the calf muscles.
  • With the legs straight, bend and straighten the toes of the feet 20 times.

Sitting exercises

Training against varicose veins in the office

The following exercises are advisable for people who sit a lot:

  • Extend and stretch your legs to improve blood circulation.
  • Stretch the tips of your feet at least 30 times and then pull them back in. Repeat this exercise several times a day.
  • Put your heels on the ground and raise and lower your toes, repeating several times.

Exercises while standing

Exercises against varicose veins
  • Walk on tiptoe first and then on your heels.
  • Alternately stand on tiptoe and heel while straightening and stretching your ankles. That gets the vein pump going!

Further recommendations against varicose veins

Leg massage

Massage the affected areas gently. Massages reduce swelling and promote blood circulation.

  • Carrying out short massages with circular movements will liquefy the blocked blood and allow it to flow back to the heart better.
  • Always apply the massage oil from the bottom up. Start at the feet and slowly work your way up. This will help remove jammed fluids, salts, fats, and toxins.

    Pay attention to the ideal weight


    While maintaining your ideal weight is sometimes not easy, it is extremely important for your health (and appearance).

    If you are overweight, not only does your blood circulation deteriorate, but there are also numerous harmful consequences.

    Change position again and again

    Man watches tv

    Some activities require long periods of sitting. Keep moving your legs and changing your sitting position. We recommend the following  exercises.

    Varicose veins do not always need to be treated by a doctor, but in some cases it is necessary, e.g. B. if the legs are flushed or there is pain or  ulceration.

    Daily walks of  at least 30 minutes and swimming are recommended (to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles). Cycling also helps. It helps regulate blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

    If you do these exercises regularly, you can prevent varicose veins. If these are already available, training against varicose veins supports other measures.

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