Green Tea, Grapefruit And Mint To Activate The Metabolism

To get your metabolism going, you should improve certain lifestyle habits and ensure a balanced diet. You can also benefit from this delicious drink.

Green tea, grapefruit and mint to activate the metabolism

As metabolism those processes are referred to in the body, are in which chemical substances converted from food into finished products to supply cells and organs.

The metabolism plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels and ensures a balanced body weight.

In addition, it is very important for cardiovascular functions and for many other activities in order to maintain health.

The metabolism works differently in every organism,  because it depends on factors such as gender, age, body size and other aspects.

Sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and a poor diet can impair metabolism and thus impair the ability to burn energy.

This not only leads to weight gain,  it can also lead to various complaints, which also affect the quality of life.

But with healthy living and eating habits, the metabolism can be stimulated.

Today we recommend a refreshing drink made from green tea, grapefruit and mint to get your metabolism going.

This drink is excellent for those with a slow metabolism. You too can benefit from it!

Refreshing drink made from green tea, grapefruit and mint for a better metabolism

This drink with green tea, grapefruit and mint is a perfect addition for anyone who wants to lose weight healthily.

It is not a miracle cure, but it can remove  harmful substances from the body and at the same time stimulate the metabolism.

This is due to the health-promoting nutrients in the ingredients. Another advantage is that the drink is very low in calories.

Advantages of green tea

Green tea

Green tea is very popular worldwide because it protects the organism from the harmful effects of free radicals and also helps with weight loss.

It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,  low in calories and stimulates the metabolism in  order to optimize fat burning.

Green tea is also said to have thermogenic as well as cleansing properties. Regular consumption of green tea can result in the loss of up to 19% fat!

This also reduces the assimilation of carbohydrates and fat in the blood,  so fewer calories are absorbed.

Benefits of grapefruit

The grapefruit is one of the best citrus fruits for those who want to lose a few pounds and reduce fat.

This fruit is low in calories but contains a lot of water. This also allows you to achieve a pleasant feeling of satiety, while at the same time improving your metabolism.

The grapefruit has diuretic, cleansing and antioxidant properties, which means that you can use  it to drain pollutants and fluids stored in the tissue.

This makes it easier to lose weight and prevent various diseases.

In addition, this fruit provides 150 phytochemicals, most of which are flavonoids, which protect cardiovascular health.

Benefits of mint


This refreshing herb is perfect  for evacuating pollutants and promoting weight loss.

It also has digestive properties and helps with stomach acid. In addition, nutrients are better absorbed  and residues are better excreted.

The mint is also characterized by its anti-inflammatory, relaxing and antioxidant properties. This protects the organism from oxidative cell damage.

How is this delicious drink made from green tea, grapefruit and mint!


This very healthy and low-calorie drink  can support a balanced diet  and also stimulate the metabolism. This will also make it easier for you to lose weight.

You can drink this drink during the day. It’s best to start with a glass on an empty stomach so that it can work in the morning.


  • 1 liter of water
  • 5 bags of green tea
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 8 mint leaves
  • 1 tablespoon honey (optional)


  • Bring the water to a boil and then add the tea bags.
  • Take the pot off the stove and then let the tea steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Add the sliced ​​grapefruit and mint leaves.
  • Then wait at least two hours before taking the drink.
  • We recommend that you let it steep all night and then drink your first glass the next morning on an empty stomach.
  • If you wish, you can then sweeten the drink with honey.
  • You will achieve excellent results as early as the second week.

Don’t forget that  healthy lifestyle habits are also essential to get your metabolism going  and to be able to lose weight in a healthy way.

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