Gratitude Has Wonderful Advantages

Being grateful does not cost anything, but it shows you to see life with different eyes. People around you also notice this change and everything becomes much easier.

Gratitude has wonderful benefits

Gratitude has many positive effects, and while every child learns it, we are often not aware of the wonderful benefits we can get from it.

In the dictionary, gratitude is defined as the feeling and expression of thanks and appreciation that you feel towards someone who has done you a positive or a favor and to whom you also want to do something good.

But gratitude is much more. We can be thankful for our life,  thankful for all the good things that we can enjoy and experience …

When you think about all of these things and feel deep gratitude, it makes you happy. Then why do we find it so difficult to be grateful?

It is very easy to be grateful


It’s easy to be grateful All you need is a smile and a “thank you” or a little phrase to give to the person you want to thank you for and briefly say how happy you feel.

You hardly need any energy or exertion for this. Perhaps that is precisely why we are paying far too little attention to this little gesture.

Often we are not even aware of our surroundings. We are so lost in our own world that we forget what is happening around us.

How often have you paused and thought about all that you have? How many times have you made yourself aware  that you don’t need anything because you already have everything?

How often have you thought about the people by your side who supported you in difficult situations. Chances are you’ve given more space to those who hurt you.


We assume that friends and family are always there for us. We are not aware that everything can suddenly change from one day to the next and then it is often too late.

Gratitude is practiced

With all the problems in hectic everyday life  , it is not always easy to be grateful without practicing,  just as kindness, honesty, love and other positive feelings can be practiced.

Note the following steps that can help you and don’t forget  that practice makes perfect. 

  • Concentrate on the here and now : We often live in thoughts of the future or the past and this makes us too little conscious of the present. Focus on this moment and everything you can be thankful for.

    When you disconnect from the present, you miss things that you actually already have just because you are not aware of them and you don’t open your eyes to look at your surroundings.

    • Don’t take anything for granted : You can’t assume that your life partner knows you love them … Taking things for granted is a mistake. The people you  love like to hear from your mouth how grateful you are to have them in your life. 
    • Do not expect anything from others : This is also a mistake because you expect others to react as you would yourself. In most cases, this doesn’t happen, so you should banish this wish from your mind from the start.

    True gratitude does not expect anything in return. Be grateful because you are comfortable with it and because you want to be.


    Be grateful every day

    As soon as you get up  you can say thank you that a new day is waiting for you. When you go to sleep, be grateful for all that you have been able to experience.

    It is not only good to show gratitude towards other people, but also to be grateful for life itself. This will make you feel happy and a smile will conjure up on your face every day as soon as you get up and when you go to bed in the evening.

    It doesn’t cost anything and you will be much happier

    Be grateful for all the opportunities presented to you thanks to your efforts, be grateful for the job you have received thanks to your insistence, for the results of your persistence in achieving what you have longed for.


    Live in constant gratitude  and don’t forget how grateful you have to be to your fellow human beings and your surroundings for all the positive things that make them possible for you.

    The more you practice gratitude, the easier this habit will fall and become a matter of course.

    Gratitude will be part of yourself. 

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