Forget Your Age And Enjoy Your Life

Biological age does not prevent you from staying young. Only your mentality and your attitude count. Enjoy life at any age!

Forget your age and enjoy your life

How old are you? This question is not about how many birthdays you have celebrated, but what age your heart and soul are.

Because only this age counts  Biological age is not important in order to lead a happy life and to be comfortable with our own reflection in the mirror.

Unfortunately, today’s society gives too much importance to the youth. We are led to believe that youth is synonymous with beauty and well-being.

There are hardly any older models to be seen on the catwalk, whose mature gaze stands out through beauty wrinkles and who confidently flaunt their somewhat sagging skin.

Youth is the eye-catcher for large companies, but that does not mean that happiness can only be achieved with it. The best age is that we enjoy right now because right now we have the opportunity to be what we want to be.

Age is not important as long as you feel like laughing

What thought did you wake up with today? The day you get up with no hopes or goals, you start to age.

A mind full of dreams, goals, hopes, interests and curiosity characterizes those people who enjoy life without paying attention to their age.

Some moments are superficial,  sometimes the candles on the cake are important or the weight on the scales, but the real youth lies solely in your mentality and attitude.

Not everyone gets older in the same way, because the process begins in the head and not on the external signs of the skin. It’s not that difficult to change attitudes and stay young.


We age when we give up hope

  • You start to age the moment you don’t want to go to the beach because you think you won’t cut a good figure in a swimsuit.
  • You start to age the moment you listen to those who think your  train has already left .
  • You age when you cling to the routine and fear changes because they don’t bring you good results.
  • You age when you look at the happiness of others with envious eyes instead of looking for and building your own happiness.
  • You get older when you run out of goals and just indulge in routine.
  • You start to age when you close the doors to yourself and are just a spectator of your own life that passes you by.
  • You age when you give up, when you no longer trust and your character becomes suspicious and grumpy.
  • You start to age when you stop caring about things, asking yourself questions, and stop testing yourself.

Reasons I Forgot My Age

We are sure that you have already stopped reminding yourself of your age because you are concentrating on something more important: living your life.

Age is not important, it is essential to enjoy every phase of life. If you achieve this, you will be happier.

  • A day of worry, anger and discussion is a lost day.
  • Every sunrise is a new opportunity that you should take advantage of regardless of your age.
  • To mature is to learn what is really worthwhile. Everything else, burdens and things that cause your inner balance to fluctuate, you should leave behind.
  • Life is too short to live by other people’s plans.
  • The opinion of others does not define you. Your only goal for today is to be yourself and to wait on the platform for the train that left yesterday.
  • Good friends are the ones who enable us to continue to be young. Be picky!
  • Make those around you happy whenever you can. Every positive sensation gives life to your heart and happiness to your smile.
  • Live life with passion. Discover something new every day with curiosity. Let yourself be surprised by those around you every day.

Never doubt it and follow this advice to enjoy your life regardless of your age.

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