Five Great Smoothies For Insomnia

In fact, many people suffer from this problem in some way. Over time, the quality of life decreases with insomnia.

Five fantastic smoothies for insomnia

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can develop from a busy lifestyle, stressful activities, and situations of constant stress and worry. There are  insomnia smoothies that may help.

In fact, many people suffer from this problem in some form. Over time, the quality of life decreases with insomnia .

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 40% of the world’s population suffers from sleep disorders.

Experts assure that it is very easy to identify these people because most of them are in a bad mood and have great difficulty concentrating on their daily tasks.

The problem should be taken seriously, as more than 80 diseases can arise in connection with insomnia.

Do you also suffer from insomnia? If the answer is yes, you should do something about it. In this post, you’ll find five excellent insomnia smoothie recipes that will help you sleep better.

Green smoothies for insomnia

This insomnia green smoothie smoothie has concentrated nutrients to help relax your body and make you tired.

This improves the quality of sleep. This smoothie also has a positive effect on digestive problems, stress and high blood pressure .


  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 piece of ginger
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 green apple with peel
  • 9 asparagus
  • 2 stalks of celery


  • Soak the asparagus in cold water for an hour.
  • Then cut the cucumber, lemon, and apple into pieces.
  • Put the cut ingredients, celery, and ginger in the blender. Then cover the ingredients with the asparagus water.
  • Blend the ingredients for a few minutes, then drink the smoothie every day after lunch.

Smoothies for insomnia: made from lettuce and cucumber

Cucumber juice

Another one of the smoothies for insomnia. This powerful smoothie contains two ingredients that are considered good allies in the fight against insomnia. Green lettuce contains important nutrients that stimulate the willingness to sleep and make feelings of fear disappear.

Cucumbers contain the amino acid tryptophan. This substance stimulates the production of the hormone serotonin, which puts you in a good mood and promotes sleep.


  • ½ lettuce
  • 1 cucumber


  • Cut the cucumber into pieces, then wrap them in the lettuce leaves. Then place the ingredients in the blender. Mix the contents for a few minutes and then drink the cool smoothie fresh.

Insomnia smoothies: made from lettuce and banana

Banana smoothie

This smoothie will help you control stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation of the body and is ideal for preventing problems such as insomnia.


  • 4 chamomile flowers
  • 90 grams of romaine lettuce
  • 1 small banana
  • the juice of a ½ lemon


  • Make a tea from the chamomile flowers, then set it aside.
  • Wash, disinfect, and then cut the lettuce leaves.
  • Sieve the tea and then pour it into the blender along with the other ingredients and the juice of the ½ lemon.
  • Blend the ingredients for a few minutes, then drink the fresh smoothie half an hour before bed.

Peach and apple smoothie


This delicious smoothie has a wonderful taste and is also a great help in getting a better night’s sleep.


  • 3 peaches
  • 1 apple
  • 1 handful of mint


  • Wash, peel and cut the fruit. Put all the ingredients in the blender, then blend for a few seconds. Then drink the cool smoothie without filtering it through a sieve.
  • This smoothie should then be consumed at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

Carrot and spinach smoothie

This smoothie is a rich source of antioxidants and other nutrients that will help you improve the quality of your sleep while making an important contribution to your health.

The smoothie should be  consumed half an hour or an hour before sleep so that it can then develop its optimal effect.


  • 1 carrot
  • 5 leaves of spinach
  • water


  • Mix all of the ingredients in a blender until they are completely combined.
  • Serve the juice without straining it, then drink it at the recommended times of the day.

If you cannot naturally control your insomnia problem, it is best to see a specialist who can advise you. It is very important to treat sleep disorders in good time to prevent more serious symptoms.

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