Firmer Chest: The Best Exercises

We find a tighter chest area to be very aesthetic for both men and women. If you want to specifically strengthen this area of ​​your body, we have some exercises for you here.

Firmer Chest: The Best Exercises

We all prefer firmer and tighter breasts in men and find them more attractive than fleshy and saggy breasts. But the breast is also a problem area for many women.

In today’s article we would like to introduce you to a few exercises with which you can easily train your chest area to become leaner and firmer.

  • Men often want less fat on their chest and instead aim for more defined chest muscles.
  • But many women also want firmer breasts and would like to change their shape and size.

Exercises for a firmer chest

You should do the following exercises 2 to 3 times a week. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions for each exercise, you will definitely get results.

But if you feel like you can do more repetitions, then of course you’re welcome to do that. You will need a ball and dumbbells for the exercises. But even if you don’t have these utensils on hand, you can just as easily use small sandbags or water bottles.

1. Lying pull-overs

firmer chest - pull-over

For the first of our chest exercises, you’ll need a couple of dumbbells. To do this, lie down on a flat surface (a bench or on the floor) and look up at the ceiling. Your feet should be firmly on the ground while your knees are bent at a 90 ° angle.

  • Starting from this basic position, you now stretch your arms towards the ceiling while holding the dumbbells firmly in your hands.
  • Once your arms are fully extended, bring them straight back so they are behind your head.
  • Then you bring your arms back to the starting position.

2. Chest presses

firmer chest - ball

The second exercise for a firmer chest is done with a ball. It should be made so that you can hold it comfortably in front of your chest with both hands.

  • Now stand up in this position and make sure that your legs are slightly apart. Alternatively, you can do the exercise while sitting in a chair.
  • Now press the ball with both hands as hard as if you wanted to make it burst.
  • Your hands should be open as you do this. In other words, you shouldn’t use your fingers to grab the ball. The exercise consists of holding the ball with your palms.
  • Now press the ball for at least 10 seconds.

3. Push-ups (push-ups)

firmer chest - push-ups

Pushups are a very good full body exercise that works your arms, back, and chest at the same time. It is also the most important exercise if you want to get a firmer chest and also very suitable if you want to lose weight in this area.

  • First, lie on your stomach on the floor and place your hands about shoulder width apart from your body.
  • Now push yourself firmly with both arms so that you come into the plank position. Then bend your arms again until you touch the floor with your chest and upper body. Then you push yourself up again.

4. Dumbbell flyes

Exercise with dumbbells

The last of our exercises for a firmer chest you do again with the dumbbells. Ideally, you should lie down on a dumbbell bench to do this. Alternatively, you can lie down on the floor.

  • First you take a dumbbell in each hand. Then you open your arms very far outwards and stretch them out on both sides of your body.
  • Now lift your arms and make sure that your arms stay straight. Raise your arms until the dumbbells touch in the middle. Finally, slowly lower your arms back to the starting position.

You should also do aerobic exercise for a firmer chest

While these exercises are already very good at toning and strengthening your chest muscles, we don’t want to fail to remind you how important aerobic exercises are in your training plan. Even if you cannot necessarily achieve targeted fat loss in certain areas through aerobics , it will still help you a lot to make your entire body less fat.

Ideally, you combine both types of training. This will help you get the best results. However, you should keep in mind that it may take some time before the exercises give you a firmer chest. You will need patience and perseverance. In addition, you should of course also eat a healthy and balanced diet.

If you really have set yourself the goal of getting a firmer chest, then these exercises will be very effective in helping you.

However, you should be patient and also eat consciously. Did you already know the exercises that we presented to you today? Have you tried them before? If so, how did they help you?

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