Finally A Non-smoker With This Delicious Drink

To become a successful non-smoker – and to stay – you should gradually break those habits that remind you of tobacco consumption. This is how you prevent the craving for the glow stick from arising again

Finally non-smokers with this delicious drink

The path to becoming a non-smoker is not easy. Quitting smoking requires strong will, support from friends and family, and control over the situations that keep making us want to smoke.

There is no one universal way that every smoker can become a non-smoker . We have to find the right solution for ourselves . Some people resort to nicotine patches or electronic cigarettes, others to hypnosis. That’s all right if it helps you.

All of these methods can be complemented naturally, making it that little bit easier to quit smoking. While these supplements do not offer a guarantee that the addiction can be overcome, they do help alleviate withdrawal symptoms.

Whatever your needs, whatever your biggest challenge in becoming a non-smoker, you can make things a little easier for yourself by using natural remedies. We would therefore like to introduce you to a drink that is prepared with herbs and fruits.

3 principles for quitting smoking

Finally non-smokers

How many times have you tried to quit smoking? If you read this article seriously, you will probably read it countless times. However, it is difficult to overcome the addiction, because our body gives us this desire over and over again. You have to become a non-smoker in your head first.

In order to achieve this primary goal, we should first be aware of why we want to quit smoking and which phases we will go through on the way to becoming a non-smoker. Information helps us prepare the mind and body for withdrawal.

Focus on what you are achieving day in and day out

Resolutions like “I won’t smoke a cigarette for a month” do  n’t help. This goal is too ambitious for the active smoker. Let’s start with getting through 24 hours without a cigarette.

Every path begins with a first step, including that of non-smokers. Focus on the here and now, on what you are feeling right now. If you want to break this unhealthy habit, set yourself short-term, achievable goals.

Avoid situations that trigger your cigarette cravings

There are always critical moments, every day, every week. Then the longing for the cigarette overcomes us and we have to muster an iron will not to give in to it.

The good news is that these are moments that also pass quickly. Think about when you smoke and identify such situations. Examples are:

  • In the morning, right after getting up.
  • During the coffee / smoking break at work.
  • After lunch.
  • In leisure time, especially at celebrations.
  • When you are out with other smokers.

Be careful at certain times of withdrawal

The dependence on the glow stick is a nicotine addiction. We ingest nicotine while we smoke and typically , three to five days after the last cigarette, nicotine levels drop below a minimum level and withdrawal symptoms occur.

Now it is especially difficult to resist the craving for the cigarette. What do we have to struggle with now? With tension and demotivation.

Nicotine affects the release of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in our brain. That is relaxing. If now this stimulus does not materialize, then we become restless, nervous, put our body in a state of alarm and our mood sinks into the basement.

With this natural drink to a non-smoker

Drink for non-smokers

The drink we are introducing to you here contains many healthy ingredients that will help you resist the cravings for cigarettes.

At the same time, it supports the elimination of remaining amounts of nicotine and alleviates withdrawal symptoms. Since these occur particularly in the first days and weeks of non-smoking, we recommend that you consume this drink regularly during this period.

What is good in him?

  • Lemon and orange are citrus fruits that are high in antioxidants like vitamin C. They help rid the body of toxins, and that includes the respiratory tract. Residual amounts of nicotine are eliminated and tissue damage caused by smoking can heal.
  • We also use carrots in this drink , a vegetable known for its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties. They also help the body restore hemoglobin and red blood cells to a healthy state. This is essential for the oxygen supply to all body tissues.
  • Nicotine addiction and the ingestion of numerous toxins not only damage the lungs but also the rest of the body’s cells. Regular consumption of grapes will help repair such damage. This is due to their content of antioxidants, vitamins and resveratrol.
  • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that has been linked to the development and maintenance of an addiction. The consumption of ginseng supports the regulation of the dopamine level and thus the control of the craving for a cigarette.
  • Last but not least, our drink also contains ginger, a healthy root that our readers should already be familiar with. This healing root has the effect of relieving withdrawal, regulating digestion and reducing accompanying symptoms such as tension, nausea and vomiting.


  • 1 lemon (organic!)
  • An orange
  • 1 carrot
  • 15 grapes
  • 1 teaspoon ginseng (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon ginger powder (5 g)
  • One liter of water
  • Ice cubes


  • Wash the citrus fruits well. Now lemon and orange are squeezed out to get their juice. Cut the lemon peel into thin strips and don’t throw them away.
  • We make carrot juice out of the carrot in a blender.
  • Now lemon, orange and carrot juice are put into the blender together with the grapes, ginseng and ginger. The water is also added and everything is made into a homogeneous drink.
  • This delicious drink with its intense taste will help you suppress the craving for the cigarette. Put it in a pitcher and add the lemon peel and ice cubes.
  • Drink this juice throughout the day. In this way you support your body in detoxification, clean your airways and alleviate the withdrawal symptoms.

This drink is a natural addition to other methods necessary to become a successful non-smoker. Your will is the most important among them. I wish you success!

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