Face Masks For Blemished And Oily Skin

These face masks can help to balance blemished and oily skin.

Face masks for blemished and oily skin

Do you have oily skin ? Then when choosing a face mask you should make sure not to apply too much fat or pore-clogging waxes with the face mask, because these components can make the problem worse and also lead to pimples due to clogged pores.

Which face masks are suitable for oily skin?

If you have oily skin and are prone to blemishes such as pimples or black spots, you should avoid using face masks on your skin.

Many face masks are intended for mature skin and it is very dry. You should take care to give your skin oil, but only little and easily absorbed vegetable fats and also to care for it with moisturizing agents.

Face masks that have a clarifying, cleansing and degreasing effect or provide your skin with moisture are ideal.

To preserve this, you should use a light day care product after removing the face mask.

We introduce you to face masks for blemished, oily skin that you can use several times a week.

Face mask

Healing earth and cucumber mask for oily skin

You should have a hand blender or stand mixer to make this mask. You need fresh cucumber juice – and you can’t buy it!

If possible, use an organic cucumber, as you should use the cucumber with the skin and an organic cucumber to prevent poisons from pesticides from lying on your face.

The cucumber and healing clay mask is supposed to detoxify your skin – and not the cucumber!

Healing clay makes no difference between poisons and pollutants, but has only a limited absorption capacity that you should use for your skin and not for the cucumber.

  • Puree a piece of cucumber into a very fine pulp, like a smoothie or thick juice.
  • Mix enough cucumber juice with the healing clay to create a spreadable mask that can be applied thickly without running off the face.
  • Apply the mask to your face (or another part of your body) and let it dry completely there. Depending on how thick you applied the mask, this can take up to 10 minutes! You will see how your hyperactive sebum glands (if you have oily skin) leave small dark spots on the dried mask!

Now wash the completely dried out mask from the skin together with the harmful substances it contains.

You don’t need to use any other cleaning products such as soap or shower gel, your skin is already pore-deep clean and degreased!

The effectiveness of healing earth against blemished and oily skin was confirmed in a clinical study at the Charité in Berlin. To do this, however, it is important to use the mask at least twice a week and really let it dry completely.

So treat yourself to a little break with the healing earth mask on a regular basis, ideally on set days of the week, and you will see how your skin improves!

Woman face mask

Yogurt mask

Yoghurt contains lactic acid which helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when the face is peeled or rubbed off.

This makes your skin look fresher and rosier because dead skin cells no longer make the skin look gray and sallow.

It will also open up your pores so that pimples and black spots are avoided.

Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk.

So if you don’t have yoghurt on hand, another of the dairy products mentioned will do the same.

Due to the acid, the upper layer of the skin also swells up a bit, what padded up small wrinkles. In addition, the evaporation of the water contained in the yoghurt ensures cooling and swelling of puffy eye contours.

The edible oil cares for and has a regulating effect on the excessively active sebum glands. You need:

  • A dairy product that is rich in lactic acid (yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir, or buttermilk)
  • A splash of cooking oil

Mix both ingredients and apply the resulting mask to your face at least as thick as the back of a knife.

Make sure the dairy product comes out of the refrigerator and is appropriately cold. Let this mask work as long as you have time, but no more than half an hour.

Aloe Vera mask

Face mask aloe

If your skin is prone to small inflammations or pimples, you can use an aloe vera mask to help the pustules heal faster.

All you have to do is apply 100% aloe vera gel and leave it on until it dries up.

Make sure to use pure aloe vera gel. A recent test showed that most aloe vera products contain so little aloe vera that the name is misleading and the effect leaves much to be desired.

Using a fresh leaf from your own plant is the best option.

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