Exercise For Better Posture And Less Weight

You can only achieve your goal with regular training!

Exercise for better posture and less weight

Today we’re going to introduce you to simple exercises that will help you achieve  better posture  and reduce fat at the same time. If you exercise regularly, you will achieve your goal! 

Better posture and weight loss

Upside down forearm support

Plank: better posture and weight loss

This exercise is also known as a  reverse plank  . At first it is very exhausting, but over time you will hold out longer and longer. It is a variant of the normal plank that has several advantages.

How do you do the exercise?

  • Sit on the floor and stretch out your closed legs.
  • The elbows are supported on the floor.
  • Spread your fingers apart so that you can better maintain your balance.
  • Now lift your bottom and upper body so that your body forms a straight line.
  • Remain in this position for about 20 seconds and then go back to the starting position.

Then you can do the normal upper arm support (plank):

  • You get down on your knees and support your body with your forearms on the floor.
  • The legs are close together. Put your toes on the floor.
  • Now you tighten your stomach and lift your hips. The body is in a line.
  • Hold this position for 15-60 seconds and then return to the starting position.

Why is this exercise so effective?

You don’t need any aids for this exercise and you can do it in the comfort of your home. Not only can you break down love handles and strengthen your muscles, but you can also achieve better posture.

But that’s not all. You can also tone your buttocks and calves with this exercise  .

Stimulates the metabolism

With this simple exercise you can increase your metabolism and burn more calories. It is therefore worth doing the exercise regularly to avoid metabolic problems.

Better posture

better posture

This exercise is perfect for better posture.

  • If you do the exercise regularly, you will mainly train those muscles that keep the spine in an upright position. This is especially important, especially for people who work in an office.

Finally no more back pain

Doing this exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week can help you get rid of back pain. Both the upside down forearm support and the classic plank are very effective!

Flat belly

flat stomach and better posture

You can also achieve a flat stomach with the forearm support, but keep the following tips in mind when doing this:

  • Do not lower your hips.
  • Do not lift your head up.
  • Always keep your spine straight.

When the forearm support is turned upside down, the abdomen and legs are strengthened. In addition, the shoulder muscles are stretched.

Incorporate this exercise into your workout regularly to boost your metabolism, achieve better posture, and tone your muscles. You can also prevent injuries in this way.

Other Recommendations

If you are overweight or have lower spine problems, you should seek advice from a professional trainer before doing the exercise.

You should be careful to avoid injury. Correct posture is especially important. If you are unsure whether this exercise is right for you, you should consult your doctor.

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