Emotional Instability Or Why Not All Days Are The Same

If emotional instability only occurs now and then, you shouldn’t worry about it and don’t paint everything black straight away, everyone has better and worse days. However, if this instability persists over a long period of time, you should seek medical help!

Emotional instability or why not all days are the same

Emotional lability means that the state of mind fluctuates up and down within a short period of time.

Most of the time, you don’t know exactly how this sudden sadness, joy, or unexpected disinterest comes about.

In this context, it is important to know that there are  different types of emotional instability .

Borderline personality disorder can be recognized by chaotic, disruptive mood swings, resulting in complex neuroses that require psychological treatment.

However, today’s article is about a less intense, intermittent emotional instability that all of us are familiar with.

It is not about a clinical problem, but about times when the sun is covered by clouds and when  something changes inside  us without us being aware of exactly where the causes are to be found.

Then you will learn more about it.

Emotional lability: possible causes

Some people are always unstable. In some phases everything seems to be going well, in others all projects have negative results because they always fluctuate with their opinions.

These people are usually very conflictual. They are difficult to trust and deal with. Living together with these people is like a roller coaster that goes up and down.

But we are now leaving personality profiles and clinical problems behind and taking a closer look at ourselves,  because everyone can be unstable in certain phases.


Bad self-esteem

We all know difficult and difficult times. Sometimes a difficult relationship has negative consequences such as emotional dependence.

Those who hold tight to their partner because they see themselves in the role of victim develop a very low self-esteem. In these situations, great emotional instability is very common.

  • Some days these people love their partner ardently, on others they feel anger and frustration because they are unhappy.

Hidden Depression

As experts tell us, very many, especially men, go through  depression that has not been diagnosed.

It is difficult for them to open up and ask for help, so they suffer in silence and are alone with their problems.

The hidden depression can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • emotional instability
  • bad sense of humor
  • indifference
  • fatigue
  • negative, fatalistic thoughts

Everyday stress

This is without a doubt the number one cause of emotional instability. External pressure and the way you deal with stressful situations affect the state of mind.

On some days you can achieve anything, on others everything is too much.


Hormone fluctuations

Premenstrual syndrome is often the cause of mood swings. However, only 10% of women are more affected by this.

Hereditary factors

We have more information about brain chemistry these days and we know that genetic factors play an important role in this condition.

  • Deviations in various neurotransmitters (e.g. serotonin) could be determined, these are responsible for regulating the state of mind and emotions.
  • In these cases, and when the emotional lability is very pronounced, it affects the quality of life and it is very important to initiate correct treatment.

What can you do if you are emotionally unstable?

We all have better and worse days. Even in a single day, it is quite normal to feel slightly discouraged or depressed at different times and then to find your way back to normal.

We are not robots, but emotional spirits who react differently to different stimuli depending on the moment and situation.

On some days we are more concerned and more sensitive, on others we surprisingly find new motivation that gives us new strength.

Our brain is always trying to protect us in these time-limited cases, so all you have to do is implement the following strategies:

  • Calm down, block the negativity and move your body. Take a walk or a joyride on your bike, paint mandalas or take a dip by the sea or in the forest …
  • Talk to yourself, satisfy your needs, learn to understand what is then bothering your mind.
  • Open up to someone who can understand you, explain to that person how you are feeling, and then share relaxing moments with them. You can free yourself like this!

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