Emotional Emptiness: What Am I Missing?

In order to fill emotional emptiness you don’t need any material things and you don’t need any other people either. Only you can fill this void with healthy self-love. 

Emotional emptiness: what am I missing?

I feel a void in me that I don’t know how to fill. An emotional emptiness that makes me feel that I’m not complete, not good enough …

I have to fill this emotional void , but I don’t know how. This emptiness makes me sad and discouraged.

Emotional emptiness is an experience that one often feels after the death of a loved one, after a relationship breakdown, or after disappointment.

You have to pay enough attention to this condition because if it lasts longer and you begin to fill the void with people or things,  you are just covering up the real problem.

Infinite emotional emptiness


Many try  to fill this agonizing void with material things. You buy unnecessary things on an impulse and feel guilty afterwards.

They spend a lot of money to distract themselves from their problems and hide their pain. But this is just an escape that will not solve the real problems.

Others, on the other hand, fill their void with people on whom they become dependent, who manipulate or use them. You want to prevent yourself from feeling lonely.

But this is a serious mistake that can cause a lot of pain, both for the other person and for the person concerned. Most of the time, such relationships end up destructively and with great unhappiness.

Emotional emptiness creates hopelessness. In this situation one often holds on to people or things that alleviate the suffering in the short term.

Affected people often suffer from eating disorders or injure themselves, because the feeling is so unbearable that they have to cover it up with other methods.

Origins in childhood

Woman cage

Childhood is the basis for a happy adult life. If affective and emotional problems arise at a young age, it can lead to even greater difficulties in future life.

Anyone who grows up in a complicated family situation or has a difficult relationship with their parents is likely not to get the tenderness and love they need in their childhood.
Children adapt to everything. Even if the situation is very difficult, it does not always have a major impact during childhood, and  often these only show up in adulthood.
Then the events of childhood are expressed more than ever in everyday life and show how much you suffered from certain situations as a child. This can affect the entire life extremely severely. 
We cannot always remember childhood trauma, so it is important to seek help from a psychologist.
With therapy, you can discover the root of the evil  and use various tools to heal your soul and take the path of wellbeing.

Emptiness creates even more emptiness


If you seek the solution from others,  that is, if you try to fill your emptiness with other people, with clothes or with food, you will not achieve your goal.

You can feel empty despite having a partner who you think should make you happy. Even if you experience small moments of happiness through shopping, these cannot heal your soul.
They’re just small patches, but they won’t relieve your wounds. But only lead you into a cycle from which it is difficult to escape. Discomfort and suffering spread through your soul.
Sometimes we have doubts and fear to ask for help, but this is unfounded, because this is the only way to get out of this situation again.
You ca n’t always do everything by yourself. Even if you know what is going on inside you, you may not have the right tools to move forward on the path full of stones.
It’s time to fill the void and then stop blaming others.
You alone are responsible for your satisfaction. Become aware of this and then seek the help you need.

You only need a little nudge, a “you are not alone”, to get back on track. Because at some point you lost yourself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find yourself again.

You have to fill your emotional void  with healthy self-love. Get started today!

Cover picture kindly provided by © wikiHow.com

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