Elderberry Syrup: Benefits, Preparation And Use

Elderberry syrup is a well-known home remedy that is normally used to relieve cold symptoms. Today you will also experience other possible uses. We’ll also show you how to make this home remedy. Read on!

Elderberry syrup: benefits, preparation and use

Elderberry syrup  is made from the berries of the black elderberry (Sambucus nigra), which can reach heights of four to five meters. The leaves of this shrub are brownish, the flowers have a light greenish-yellow hue. The elderberries are dark purple, almost black.

The leaves, flowers and berries of this plant are traditionally used as medicinal products. Elderberry syrup, which is used to treat respiratory diseases, is particularly popular. But what other ailments can elderberry be effective for? And how can you make elderberry syrup? Read on, we will explain it to you.

The benefits of elderberry syrup

The chemical composition of the leaves, flowers and berries of the elder has not yet been adequately researched. However, they are known to contain various nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins) as well as other active ingredients such as:

  • Alkaloids
  • citric acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Polyphenols
  • Cyanogenic glycosides (plant poison that produces hydrogen cyanide during enzymatic cleavage)

In general,  elderberry syrup is used to help with various symptoms of the respiratory tract. For example with a cold, stuffy nose, asthma, laryngitis (laryngitis), cough and others

Various studies have attempted to examine the effectiveness of elderberry syrup in various diseases. In fact, scientists have observed that patients who received the product every day were able to relieve symptoms of flu, even if they were not given any other medicines.

But that’s not all: recent studies have shown that elderberries have antibacterial, antiviral, antilipidic and even antidepressant effects.

This plant could therefore also be helpful in the supportive treatment of diabetes, obesity, various metabolic diseases or urinary tract problems.
Woman collects elderberries for elderberry syrup
In traditional medicine, elderberry syrup is used to treat respiratory diseases.

What to consider before consuming elderberry syrup

As mentioned earlier, elderberry syrup can be effective for certain ailments and is also safe. However, further studies are necessary in order to better assess the effect and also possible risks.

With this in mind  , it is advisable to be careful about consuming elderberry syrup and not to exceed the recommended amount. Higher doses could have negative consequences such as laxative or diuretic effects. You should therefore not combine elderberry syrup with other products or drugs with a similar effect.

Unripe elderberries or uncooked flowers can also lead to nausea, nausea or even serious poisoning. Both the rind and the seeds and berries contain lectins when unripe, which can cause stomach problems.

In addition, it should not be forgotten that the branches, leaves, roots and seeds can be poisonous because, as mentioned earlier, they contain cyanogenic glycosides. In allergic people, these can cause skin rashes or breathing difficulties if elderberry is ingested or there is skin contact.

Children, adolescents as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid elderberry. While there is no data to confirm a hazard, safety has not yet been confirmed either. So it is better to be careful.

Preparation of elderberry syrup

You can find elderberry syrup ready-made in stores, but making it is also very easy. However, you should be careful with this to avoid negative effects, which we explained earlier.

You can use fresh or dried elder, which you can buy at the market or collect yourself if you know how to identify the plant. Don’t forget that you’ll need to use the ripe berries for this. There are also very similar plants that are poisonous, so it is important that you are familiar with them.

Preparation of elderberry syrup 
Although elderberry syrup is commercially available, it is also very easy to make.


  • 2 cups elderberries (dried) (400 g)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 cup of honey (350 g)
  • Ginger root or powder (20 g)
  • Cinnamon, vanilla or cardamom as you like
  • Optionally, you can add a cup of an alcoholic beverage (e.g. vodka). However, this syrup is of course no longer suitable for children.


  • Slowly bring the elderberries, ginger, cinnamon (vanilla or cardamom) to the boil together with the water.
  • As soon as the water boils, reduce the temperature and slowly simmer for another 45 minutes.
  • Then you take the mixture off the stove and let it cool down.
  • Then pour everything through a sieve to remove the solids. Now you can mix everything with honey (and the alcoholic drink).
  • Finally, fill the result into a sterilized glass bottle and store it in a cool, dry place.

    Elderberry syrup can help, but it should only be consumed in modest amounts

    Some natural products and recipes are traditionally used, but their effects have not yet been scientifically researched. However, this is not the case with elderberry syrup, as scientists have already confirmed some of its positive properties.

    Even so, you should only consume modest amounts, as too much can have the opposite effect. In addition, it is only a supportive natural remedy, which, however, cannot replace a first-line treatment.

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