Drink Made From Coconut, Pineapple And Ginger To Lose Weight And Excrete Fluids

Thanks to the ideal properties of the many ingredients in this drink, it helps us to boost our metabolism and lose weight. In addition, the drink keeps you full for a long time and promotes the elimination of stored liquids

Coconut, pineapple and ginger drink to lose weight and excrete fluids

The best way to lose weight is to replace the foods that make us fat with healthier alternatives. This works very well with our drink made from coconut, pineapple and ginger , for example . These activate the metabolism and lead to a higher consumption of calories. In addition, they help to excrete fluids and lose body volume.

Get to know the delicious drink made from coconut , pineapple and ginger in this article  . It lets you lose weight quickly and helps to excrete excess fluids in a gentle way.

No to miracle diets

Drink instead of a miracle diet

There are many types of “miracle diets” that promise quick and surprising results in a particularly short period of time.

These diets are usually based on a specific food with special properties. This is said to promote health and weight loss. However, these diets are usually very strict and poorly balanced. Most importantly, they are low in fat and calories.

But an effective and healthy diet should not cause deficiency symptoms. A change in diet should actually lead to great optimism and vitality. At the same time, they continuously change the diet in a healthy manner.

Of course, the foods used in a miracle diet are ideal for losing weight. However, they should be consumed as part of a balanced diet. 

Lose weight with healthy foods

In the following we want to introduce the properties of three specific foods. These help to induce the body to consume more calories. This burns more fat and excretes more fluids.

The coconut

The coconut is a tropical fruit. Because of its high content of saturated fats, it had a rather bad reputation for a long time. However, over time, the coconut was able to prove the opposite of itself. Because the fats it contains are particularly beneficial for health. They can also help you lose excess weight.

If you eat the fat of the coconut , the metabolism of our organism is accelerated. This makes it much easier to lose weight. This always applies, but especially if you are already overweight.

In this sense, the coconut drink and the other ingredients are ideal to use to lose weight. If you are aiming for a lower body weight, the coconut can be seen as a kind of regulator.

In addition, the coconut oil protects a healthy heart and strengthens the immune system. The body is supplied with more energy and the skin remains soft and radiant. The thyroid also benefits from the oil. Because in some cases it can be the reason for rapid weight gain.

The pineapple

Pineapple in a drink

The pineapple can often be found as part of diets. Because it supports weight loss and can also be used as a well-known remedy for digestive disorders.

This tropical fruit is high in water and fiber. At the same time, the pineapple is low in calories.

All of these characteristics make the pineapple a wonderful option to fill yourself up with with ease. So if you feel a little hungry, you should reach for this fruit.

In addition, the pineapple also stands out due to its great diuretic effect.

When consumed regularly , it helps the body excrete excess fluids that have built up over time. Otherwise, swelling can occur in the legs, stomach or face, for example.

The ginger

Ginger is a root that is used as a kind of spice in many countries. It gives the food a refreshing and slightly spicy taste. In addition, ginger makes digestion easier and makes the food eaten more digestible.

However, ginger is also ideal for medicinal reasons. This improves digestion, eliminates toxins and fluid accumulations and stimulates the metabolism. 

The function of the metabolism is to drive energy consumption. This enables the body to burn more calories without exerting itself.

Diuretic drink to help you lose weight

Diuretic drink


  • The pulp of half a coconut
  • Half a ripe pineapple
  • A piece of ginger (according to taste)
  • 1 liter of water

Note : If you don’t have fresh coconuts available, you can use the milk instead of the water.


  • First mix the coconut pulp in a blender with warm water for a few minutes.
  • Add the pineapple and ginger to the coconut water. Then mix again until you get a fairly homogeneous liquid.
  • Then pass the drink through a sieve and then chill in the refrigerator if desired.
  • Depending on your needs, you can sweeten the drink with a little stevia. However, the pineapple naturally brings a lot of sweetness.

Drinking recommendation for the drink made from coconut, pineapple and ginger

The diuretic and cleansing drink can be consumed throughout the day in the following ways:

  • 2 glasses on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast
  • 1 glass in the morning
  • 1 glass in the afternoon

If you take the drink made from coconut and the other ingredients outside of meals, it actually has a particularly positive effect on your health. 

The drink can be consumed for a week or even two weeks, several times a year. Of course, the drink should always be supplemented by a balanced and healthy diet.

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