Depression After Separation: Treatment And Support

It is completely normal to experience a period of sadness and grief after a separation. However, if symptoms persist or worsen, depression may be present.

Depression after separation: treatment and support

Some people are able to overcome a breakup very quickly. For others, however, healing from the end of a romantic relationship can be more difficult and take more time. And there are still others who, in extreme cases, can develop depression after the breakup. In today’s article, you will learn more about the symptoms of this type of depression and how to overcome them.

Is it depression or a normal response to a breakup?

It is perfectly normal to be sad

When a relationship comes to an end, it is perfectly normal to feel sad
When a romantic relationship ends, it is perfectly normal to experience symptoms of sadness. After all, it’s the end of a life project you shared with someone.

First, it’s important to distinguish between a normal breakup response and depression . Even in less serious relationships, it’s perfectly normal to experience certain feelings and emotions when they end. Some of the reactions that we can consider normal include the following:

  • frustration
  • sadness
  • cry
  • insomnia
  • Listlessness and disinterest

In other words, it is perfectly normal to go through a period of grief over a failed relationship. After all, it is some kind of loss. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about when you experience the above symptoms. On the other hand, their duration varies from person to person. Some people just need more time, while others get back on their feet much faster.

Depression after a breakup

In the case of post-breakup depression, symptoms do not go away within weeks or even months. They can even get worse. The following are symptoms that suggest depression after a breakup:

  • Loss of interest in any type of activity
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of energy
  • Too little or too much sleep
  • Intense feelings of emptiness or despair
  • Loss of appetite or increased appetite
  • People with depression move more slowly and may even think and speak more slowly
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • In extreme cases, depression can lead to thoughts of suicide.

What Can You Do If You Have Depression After A Break Up?

The best and most effective way to overcome depression is with the help of an expert. He will be able to guide the depressed person and initiate the correct therapy. With this in mind, a specialist can recommend:

Psychological treatment

Psychological treatment is one way to deal with depression after a breakup
Correct handling of one’s own emotions can be beneficial in terms of self-love, self-acceptance, maturity and decision-making after a breakup.

Interpersonal therapy in cognitive behavioral therapy consists of changing a person’s negative thoughts. At the same time, the professional will also aim to discourage the patient from obsessing over their ex-partner or relationship. And of course, it’s also of the utmost importance to address any feelings of anger. In this sense, cognitive behavioral therapy and psychoanalysis are the most common forms of therapy.

In addition, professionals can also recommend relaxation techniques that have a very positive impact on patients.

Psychopharmacological treatment

Depending on the severity of the case, a psychiatrist may also prescribe certain antidepressants.

Other recommendations

Below are other recommendations for treating depression after a breakup.

  • Exercise is usually often recommended. In fact, the release of endorphins will help depressed individuals improve and overcome their condition. It is not necessary to go to a gym, however; go for a walk, jog or ride a bike.
  • Furthermore, you should occupy yourself sensibly. With that in mind, it’s always a good idea to start something new. This can be as simple as reading a book or starting a new life project.
  • In addition, it is also important not to isolate yourself and to seek contact and friendship with others.
  • Avoid using drugs and alcohol to drown out your grief and flee or find solace from your problems.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet. In other words, combine  physical activity with healthy habits.
  • Make sure you get enough sleep and rest.

The emotional support you need after a breakup

After a breakup, you should seek contact and friendship with others
Socializing is one of the keys to helping you process what has happened and overcome a breakup in a healthy way.

In any case, it is crucial that people with depression get support from family and friends. You should make new friends, expand your social circle, reconnect with old friendships, and so on.

In fact, one of the keys to overcoming the problem is socializing. This will help you distract yourself from your ex, your previous relationship, and the negative feelings you are experiencing. In the special case of depression, it can even be very helpful to express the feelings and talk to loved ones about the problem.

However, people with depression often feel unable to socialize and isolate themselves from others. And that in turn brings us to an important question: How can you help a person who is depressed after a breakup?

  • First of all, you should learn more about what depression is and the symptoms that accompany it. Knowledge is always the best weapon and the best tool.
  • Talk to the depressed person and encourage them to start treatment. It is important to remind them that there is a solution to their condition, and it will be easier to find with proper treatment. However, the decision to start treatment ultimately rests with the person suffering from depression.
  • Seeking help immediately, if you suicidal suspect from the data subject.
  • Offer your support. Listen, reinforce positive thoughts, make plans with the depressed person (going shopping, drinking coffee, etc.).
  • Be patient. Overcoming depression can be a long and difficult process. However, we should show our support every step of the way.

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