Delicious And Healthy Potato Recipes

Potatoes are high in carbohydrates, so they are better for lunch than dinner. Eating potatoes in the evening makes it difficult to sleep and makes you fat.

Delicious and healthy potato recipes

Deep-fried, baked, boiled, with or without the peel – the possibilities with potatoes are endless … Today we recommend various healthy  potato recipes  and preparation methods in which potatoes retain their unmistakable taste and nutrients. 

The potato

The potato belongs to the nightshade family, as do tomatoes, peppers and aubergines. It originally comes from Peru and Bolivia, but today it is one of the most popular staple foods worldwide.

This versatile tuber can be used to create numerous delicious and healthy recipes : sauces, purees, soups, tortillas, gnocchi, snacks and even alcoholic beverages.

It consists primarily of water and starch, and it also contains proteins, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), vitamins (B and C) and fiber.

Healthy potato recipes

1. Organic and with peel for delicious potato recipes

Ideally with skin and organic healthy potato recipes

We recommend cooking the potatoes with their skin on, even if they are to be cooked in the oven or steamed.

But it is very important that the potatoes are organic, because pesticides, herbicides and other chemical substances can cause serious damage to health.

  • The skin of the potatoes is above all rich in vitamin C.  It also contains group B vitamins and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and iron. 
  • Thanks to these many nutrients, the potato peels are filling, regulate the blood sugar level, reduce stress and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

If you eat the potatoes with their skin on, be sure to avoid the greenish or sprouting spots because they contain solanine, a poisonous substance.

2. Baked instead of deep-fried

If you like French fries, you can cut the potatoes accordingly, lengthways and thinly, drizzle them with a little olive oil and bake them in the oven at a high temperature.

It’s almost like fried potatoes, but healthier and with less oil. The potatoes taste so crunchy and delicious.

3. Half fried

French fries and other potato recipes

Another option for French fries lovers is to briefly boil the potatoes until they are soft, let them drain well and then sear them in a pan with oil.

This means that the fat content is much lower than in the conventional method of preparation.

4. Great variety

There is an almost endless variety of potatoes, but it’s best to choose the variety that is available in the region. Don’t forget to buy organic quality.

The  color tells you what the potatoes are good for :

  • Yellow: Fried and in the oven
  • Red: stews, salads and steamed
  • White: salads
  • Purple: stews and fried foods

5. Deep fried but with umeboshi

Healthy potato recipes with umeboshi

To reduce the excess acidity created by frying or deep-frying the potatoes, you can  add a few umeboshi plums as they cook.

These Japanese plums have a base-forming effect. However, you should never eat the umeboshi yourself cooked.

6. The ideal oil for potato recipes

For frying or deep-frying the potatoes, you should definitely use a high-quality oil that does not lose its positive properties even at high temperatures. There are two oils that meet this criterion: extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.

You can also use ghee (clarified butter), which is low in water and lactose. Ghee is one of the staple foods in India and is available in health food stores, but you can also easily make it yourself.

7. Better for lunch

Better at noon than healthy potato recipes in the evening

The potato is high in carbohydrates and therefore provides a lot of energy. Eat them in the morning or at noon. If you eat potatoes in the evening, you can impair your sleep or gain weight.

8. In combination with vegetables

If you want to lose weight or suffer from indigestion, you should know that you should not combine potatoes with protein. These include meat, legumes, eggs, and dried fruits.

Fruits and starchy foods don’t go well together either. Better to eat the fruit in the morning on an empty stomach or as a snack in between. Potatoes are recommended with raw or briefly cooked vegetables. 

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