Cutting Onions Without Tears

Tired of cutting onions and breaking into tears every time you cook? Then use these helpful tricks!

Cut onions without tears

Tired of chopping onions and crying every time you cook? The itching that arises often makes work difficult and can be very uncomfortable.

Today you will learn not only the reasons, but also some tricks to tearlessly cut onions.

Why do onions cause tears?

When an onion is cut, it releases alliinase, a substance that contains irritating molecules containing sulfur (syn-propanthial-S-oxides) that attacks the eyes and mucous membranes.

When propanthial is inhaled, the eyes sting and begin to water, which does not go away until we move away from the onion.

Today we would like to recommend some simple tricks so that you can finally cut onions without tears. These tricks reduce or prevent the release and effects of the substance.

Our tricks

  • Before slicing the onion, rub the cutting board with a piece of lemon. Then you can safely chop the onion, unpleasant tears will be prevented. Another advantage: the board does not absorb the strong smell of onions.
  • Before you start preparing a dish with onions, put the knife in the freezer for 15 minutes !
  • Use quality knives with a smooth and sharp blade.
  • The extractor hood can  also help against tears when chopping onions.
  • If the kitchen is well ventilated and if there is a little draft, the irritating substances will quickly disappear.
  • Another alternative is to put the onion in the freezer 1 hour before cutting. This prevents unpleasant tears and burning.
  • While cutting, dip the knife in water or vinegar several times to reduce the release of irritating substances.
  • Do not use a serrated knife, as the serrations promote the release of substances. It will also make cutting more difficult and will take you longer.
  • Water helps too! Simply place a container filled with water next to the work area while you cut onions.
  • If you cut the onions next to boiling water, the irritants will disappear with the steam.
  • Have you tried glasses before? This can also help. There are even special glasses for cutting onions.
  • Cut the onion into large pieces and  soak them in boiling water before chopping.
  • If nothing works, use spring onions or chives instead of normal onions !

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