Crohn’s Disease: 10 Tips To Deal With It

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bowel. Drug treatment may be necessary, but changes in lifestyle often bring relief. 

Crohn's disease: 10 tips to deal with it

Crohn’s disease, also known as Crohn’s disease, is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestine. The exact causes have not yet been adequately researched. But doctors point out that a combination of factors such as genetics, immune system, environmental influences and infections play an important role.

Chronic bowel diseases have increased sharply in industrialized countries in recent years. It is estimated that around 320,000 people in Germany suffer from it. About 120 to 200 out of 100,000 Germans suffer from Crohn’s disease . This disease  causes a wide variety of complaints due to inflammatory processes, such as diarrhea, tiredness, loss of appetite, etc.,  and can take different degrees. 

How to deal with Crohn’s disease 10 tips

The course of Crohn’s disease is very individual, the symptoms vary greatly depending on the severity. In general, various measures are combined in the treatment: drug therapy, change in diet and change in lifestyle.

We have then put together 10 tips to better deal with this chronic disease.

1. Medical treatment

Crohn's disease - drug treatment
Even if symptoms improve, the medication should not be stopped to prevent relapse.

The first step in treating Crohn’s disease is likely to be drug therapy, which should be taken exactly as recommended by the doctor. Even  if the symptoms improve, drugs must not be discontinued without authorization. Because there could be a relapse or complications. 

2. No self-medication for Crohn’s disease!

Treating yourself with medication could be counterproductive. Consult your doctor before taking any medication,  as there may also be unpleasant and harmful side effects.

3. A balanced, varied diet

Diet in Crohn's Disease
Healthy lifestyle habits and a balanced, varied diet are very important in Crohn’s disease!

Proper nutrition plays a particularly important role in the treatment of Crohn’s disease! You will need to follow the recommendations of your doctor or nutritionist if you want to relieve symptoms. With the right foods, ailments associated with this disease can be reduced.

Usually we recommend:

  • Complex carbohydrates (in moderate servings),
  • Vitamins and minerals in all varieties,
  • Proteins (from lean meat, fish, and vegetable sources).

Inflammatory foods should be avoided as much as possible. These include: saturated fat products, red meats, whole dairy products, fried foods, fast foods, convenience foods, sugared products, etc.

4. Avoid certain pain relievers for Crohn’s disease

Pain relievers like ibuprofen or naproxen can trigger a new flare-up. If you are in pain, you should therefore take paracetamol. But here too your doctor can advise you best.

5. More probiotics in your diet

Probiotics for Crohn's disease
Probiotics improve the intestinal flora and are therefore very important in the prevention and alleviation of the symptoms of Crohn’s disease.
Probiotics can alleviate the symptoms because they strengthen the intestinal flora.  This improves digestion and at the same time, inflammation can be better controlled. The following foods should therefore be regularly on the menu:
  • Natural yoghurt
  • kefir
  • sauerkraut
  • Pickles
  • Kombucha
  • Kimchi

6. Prebiotics are also beneficial for Crohn’s disease

Prebiotics that can be found in bananas, leeks or asparagus, for example, also help. They are also important for a healthy intestinal flora because they promote the growth of important bacteria.

7. Managing stress

Meditation in the office
Stress and nervousness are detrimental to our digestive system.
When stress and hectic pace characterize everyday life, it can have a negative impact on the digestive system.  It is therefore advisable to learn relaxation techniques in Crohn’s disease in order to cope better with stress. Meditation, yoga or tai chi are particularly suitable. 

8. Give up tobacco!

Smokers have bigger problems when it comes to getting this disease under control. The pollutants in tobacco make the symptoms worse because they irritate the intestines. It also leads to more frequent outbreaks. If you smoke, you should seek professional help to get rid of this vice for good. You will benefit in many ways!

9. Help and support with Crohn’s disease

Help and support with Crohn's disease
Let specialist staff help you to get this disease under control! Family support is also important.
It is not always easy to understand Crohn’s disease.  This can also lead to nervousness or depression. The support of family, friends and also professional help is therefore very important. Together it is easier to deal with this disease properly. 

10. Recognize poorly digestible foods

Certain foods cannot necessarily be blamed for a new surge. There is not enough evidence yet to confirm that specific foods can trigger an outbreak. However, what will help you in preventive care is to identify those foods that are harmful to you and irritate your stomach and intestines. 

When you have an outbreak, you should cut back on the following foods:

  • Ready-made products and fast food
  • White flour and products made from it
  • Whole milk products
  • Vegetables with peel
  • laxative fruit
  • sugared and carbonated drinks

Have you been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease? Then this advice will help you. If you suspect you have  this disease, get a specialist examination  and follow your doctor’s recommendations!

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