Corona Pandemic: What Tests Are There?

There are currently three different tests to diagnose a disease with Covid-19. The quick test is very practical, but its reliability is limited. Scientists are working hard to develop tests that are both fast and efficient. 

Corona pandemic: what tests are there?

Tests are essential to bring the corona pandemic under control and prevent further infections. Evidence suggests that doing thousands of tests every day could be very helpful to stop the new coronavirus from spreading.

However, scientists face various difficulties that make it difficult to use reliable tests to diagnose Covid-19. The best methods up to now need too much time before the results are available  and the quick tests often give incorrect results.

However, there have been various advances in this area to enable a reliable and rapid diagnosis to be made. A very efficient test with the latest technologies should be available for next winter. We then look at the test methods currently available to make a diagnosis of Covid-12.

Detect SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR tests

This test for diagnosing Covid-19 is the most reliable to date. This method has fewer diagnostic errors than other diagnostic tests, which is why it is also recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).

A swab from the throat or nose is taken from the patient to be examined in a specialized laboratory. It takes about ten minutes to collect the swab, after which the virus is deactivated, which takes another ten to fifteen minutes to complete. They assume that there will soon be efficient tests that deliver results in under an hour.

To do this test, a swab from the throat or nose is taken, which is then analyzed in the laboratory.

Antigen tests to diagnose Covid-19

It is the fastest test to detect the coronavirus. That is why this method is used all over the world. However  , it is less reliable. On the one hand, different manufacturers have delivered defective products and, on the other hand  , the efficiency during the incubation phase of the virus is not very high. In general, a second test is necessary.

This test works similarly to a pregnancy test. A throat swab or nose swab will also be needed, but in this case on a test strip. Then the discoloration of this strip shows whether the result is positive, negative or uncertain.

The antigen test provides the results in 10 to 15 minutes. This test is effective when the patient has a high virus count. But it is assumed that the sensitivity of the test is just under 30 percent, which can lead to many false positive and false negative results. The advantage is that this test can also be carried out at home without a doctor’s control.

Blood tests to diagnose Covid-19

This test is very similar to the  one used to find out a person’s blood type. A blood draw is necessary for this, but only very small amounts are required. As with the antigen test, the analysis is carried out on a strip of paper that changes color if antibodies are present, which the organism produces in its fight against the virus.

It is a very quick test that takes no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The test is only reliable to a limited extent, however, because antibodies only develop six to eight days after being infected with SARS-CoV-2. Nor can it be used to find out whether the person is still infected or whether they have already developed immunity. This type of test is mainly used in epidemiological studies.

Tests to diagnose coronavirus
The blood test to diagnose Covid-19 is very quick, but not 100 percent reliable.

Tests with nanotechnological optical biosensor 

This test is still in the trial phase, but the technology is very advanced. It is a biosensor that is used in a similar form by diabetics to measure blood sugar levels. This nanotechnological biosensor is around three centimeters in size and contains a specific chip. 

The examination is carried out using a sample from the patient, which is analyzed by this chip. If the sample contains the Sars-CoV-2, the device indicates this by lighting up a light. This test gives results in an hour. Half the time is needed for diagnosis and half for confirming the result.

One advantage of this test is that it cannot only be performed by highly qualified personnel. In addition, the results should be reliable. However, this test will probably not be available until the end of 2020.

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