Coconut Ice Cream Without Milk: Delicious Recipe

Ice creams made from various fruits are an irresistible pleasure for most people. And they are healthy too. Because they cover a large part of the need for minerals and vitamins that you should consume daily. So here today is a delicious recipe for coconut ice cream without milk.

Coconut ice cream without milk: delicious recipe

The coconut is a very nutritious food and it is high in calories (342 calories per 100 grams). It also contains large amounts of essential vitamins and minerals. Coconuts also provide fiber, proteins and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This is why this fruit is particularly suitable for making a delicious coconut ice cream !

Would you like to make a delicious dessert with coconuts too? Then read on here! We’ll show you how you can easily prepare different variations of coconut ice cream . And that without using dairy products.

Why is Coconut Consumption So Healthy?

In fact, there are some beneficial health effects from consuming coconuts or dishes made with them. Particularly noteworthy are:

  • Provides hydration: Coconuts have a high water content. Consumption therefore promotes an adequate supply of the body with fluids.
  • Has a regulating effect on high blood pressure: thanks to its potassium content, this fruit helps regulate blood pressure.
  • Laxative and diuretic effects: thanks to the high fiber content, consuming coconuts can help prevent constipation, for example.
  • Lowers Cholesterol: The presence of uric acid lowers LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol) and it increases HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol).
  • Antimicrobial and antifungal effects : This has both internal and external benefits.

Delicious recipes for coconut ice cream

Coconut ice cream with soy milk

Coconut milk

This recipe is the easiest of them all. It contains neither gluten nor eggs, and neither does it contain lactose. So it’s a 100% vegan recipe. Therefore, it will really go down well with everyone! And you can combine it with chopped fruit or with syrup of different flavors.


  • 300 ml soy milk or another plant-based milk
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Whole cane sugar, stevia or maple syrup


    • First you put all the ingredients in a blender. Then you mix everything until the mixture gets a foamy texture.
    • Now you put this mass in a container that is suitable for the freezer. Put the whole thing in the freezer and let it freeze there for three hours.
    • Then mix everything together again. Because this is how the ice cream becomes creamier. Then your coconut ice cream should stay in the freezer for at least twelve hours.
    • Then your delicious coconut ice cream is ready to be enjoyed without any milk!

    Coconut ice cream with wild berries

    Coconut ice cream with wild berries

    This recipe does not contain any dairy products either. Gluten is also avoided. Instead, eggs are used here. This is a bit more complex than the previous recipe. But this gives the coconut ice cream a texture that is very similar to that of traditional ice cream.


    • 100 g strawberries
    • 50 g blackberries
    • 50 g blueberries
    • 300 ml coconut milk
    • 2 egg whites
    • Cinnamon powder
    • Whole cane sugar or stevia


    • First you beat the egg whites into firm egg whites. Add some sugar too. Then set aside for the time being.
    • Now wash the strawberries, blackberries and blueberries and cut them into small pieces. Then put all the fruit pieces in a blender and chop them up. Then strain with the help of a cloth or sieve. This way you can remove the larger pips.
    • Then put this mixture in a container that is suitable for the freezer. Leave in the freezer for at least three hours.
    • Now you heat the egg whites in a saucepan so you don’t add them raw to the rest of the mixture.
    • As soon as you take the pot off the stove, you add the coconut milk and, if you like, some sweetener.
    • You pour this mixture into an ice cube container and then leave it in the freezer for at least two hours.
    • After the prescribed time has elapsed, you can take everything out of the freezer. Then you put both the frozen fruit mass and the frozen cubes of coconut milk with egg whites in a powerful blender. Then mix everything together well. Until it has a creamy consistency.
    • And your delicious coconut ice cream with forest fruits is ready to eat!

    Also delicious: coconut ice cream with banana

    Coconut ice cream with banana

    Like the first recipe, this variant is also suitable for vegans. Also for people with gluten intolerance. The frozen banana forms the creamy base and gives the ice cream body and texture. In addition, you can of course adapt this recipe to your preferences and add other types of fruit.


    • 3 bananas
    • 250 ml coconut milk
    • Desiccated coconut
    • honey
    • Sugar or natural sweetener


    • First, you peel the bananas and cut them into small pieces. Then you put this on a large plate. Because that way they don’t stick together. Now put in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
    • If you want to add more fruit, do the same: peel, cut and freeze.
    • After the prescribed time has elapsed, take the bananas and any other fruit from the freezer and put everything in a blender.
    • You also add the coconut milk and some coconut rape. Now beat everything until creamy.
    • Finally, you can add a little sugar or honey as you like. But that’s probably not necessary at all. Especially if the bananas used were well ripe. Because then the mixture is usually sweet enough.
    • Now you put the whole mixture back into a container that is suitable for the freezer. Leave the whole thing in the freezer for a few more hours.

    With these different recipes for coconut ice cream you can put delicious and healthy foods on your family’s menu. Everyone will love this dessert, not just the youngest members of the house! Since these different variants for coconut ice cream are all nice and fresh, they are of course ideal for the hot season. They combine enjoyment, cooling and many healthy nutrients from coconuts and other fruits.

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