Cholesterol-lowering Juices

Pomegranate juice tastes delicious and is rich in antioxidants. It also helps reduce cholesterol and promotes heart health.

Cholesterol lowering juices

Cholesterol-lowering juices help control blood fat. Because cholesterol is bad for the organism. For example, high cholesterol levels can lead to blockage of arteries. This is why it must be constantly monitored and, if necessary, regulated. So that serious cardiovascular diseases cannot develop. The following cholesterol lowering juices can help keep both cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the normal range.

Cholesterol lowering juices

  • Apple juice:  Numerous studies have confirmed that apples can lower high cholesterol levels, both in the form of juice and raw. This tasty fruit is very beneficial for general health and, in particular, helps to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good one. Daily consumption of apple juice also helps in blood cleansing. This is because it contains pectin, a soluble fiber that promotes the elimination of harmful substances and therefore has a cleansing effect. 
    • Lemon and ginger juice:  juices with antioxidants that lower cholesterol and prevent the arteries from clogging. The lemon also has an antihypertensive effect and helps break down fat. Ginger, in turn, improves blood circulation and raises body temperature. Which also contributes to better fat burning. This juice is prepared with a lemon, 100 g ginger and a little water.


    • Kiwi, Strawberry and Orange Juice This juice contains valuable vitamin C that helps control bad cholesterol. All three fruits taste delicious. Strawberries give a wonderful, sweet taste.

    The pomegranate is a special fruit

    • Pomegranate Juice:  This red fruit is high in antioxidants and therefore protects heart health. It is also rich in fiber. Which makes them an excellent remedy for high cholesterol. Pomegranate juice can also be very beneficial for people with high blood pressure.


      • Pineapple and grape juice:  This juice not only tastes delicious, it is also very effective in helping to eliminate harmful substances. Among other things against bad cholesterol (LDL). The pineapple is one of the best cholesterol-lowering fruits and is therefore highly recommended. In combination with grapes and when consumed on a daily basis, it is an excellent means of preventing heart problems, circulatory problems and lowering cholesterol levels.

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