Cell Phone Withdrawal: With These 10 Tips It Works!

Most of us always have a mobile phone to hand and more and more people suffer from a certain smartphone addiction. We have therefore put together some useful tips in today’s article to make it easier for you to use your mobile phone less often and to improve your well-being!

Cell Phone Withdrawal: With These 10 Tips It Works!

Our 10 tips for  cell phone withdrawal  are very useful for switching off in everyday life, reducing stress or spending a vacation without a cell phone! Many people who are concerned about their mental and emotional health have already decided to go on a “technological detox” to become less dependent on smartphones and other technological devices.

Using the cell phone can actually be very time-consuming and often takes the time for rest, reading or other pleasant activities. We are constantly bombarded with messages via social networks or email. Even after the workday is over, these notifications disrupt our scarce free time and socializing with other people.

Studies show that in many cases the use of smartphones and other technological devices becomes an obsessive routine that can also result in compulsive behavior. Affected people feel compelled to constantly check for new notifications or likes. But there are ways to control this.

Why cell phone withdrawal?

The flood of information that we receive about new technologies brings new challenges with it. We must first learn to use it properly so as not to endanger our health. Because with the new devices, new behaviors become established that are not always healthy.

This is evident from various field studies. With the new technologies, new disorders develop, such as  nomophobia (no-mobile-phone-phobia) or the irrational fear of leaving the house without a mobile phone, which can actually have serious consequences.

In addition, there is the constant need to know  what “friends” are doing on social networks. For this one uses the English suitcase word FOMO (Fear of missing out). 

Of course, smartphones also have many advantages,  but many must first learn to use them without becoming dependent on the device. Then we have some tips for cell phone withdrawal that you can use to reduce stress and promote your well-being.

Cell phone withdrawal: 10 useful tips

Cell phone withdrawal: 10 useful tips

Without being aware of it, we often develop addiction to cell phones. It is therefore very helpful to put the following tips into practice and go offline!

1. Only install really useful apps

Limit yourself to a few useful apps, such as the appointment calendar, and delete all other applications that only rob you of energy and time with constant notifications. Be generous when deleting and use common sense!

2. Cell phone withdrawal: it’s easier together!

If you share the challenge of using your phone less often with someone, it will be easier for you. You can practice cell phone withdrawal with your partner, girlfriend or boyfriend. In this way you can realize other entertaining ideas and use your free time wisely.

A good start is to agree to  shut down the cell phone when someone is in the company of others. So you can concentrate on the nice moments with your friends and strengthen the bonds of friendship.

If you just depend on the notifications all the time,  you are also always worried and lose a lot of interesting things that go on in daily life. 

3. Don’t sync the accounts

If you synchronize the work accounts with your personal cell phone, you never have a free minute and you cannot relax. There are always questions and requests and you feel obliged to answer.

Once you leave the office, leave work until the next day. This also allows you to enjoy more free time and relaxation. 

4. Cell phone withdrawal: put the phone aside!

Cell phone withdrawal: put the phone aside!
It is worthwhile to simply put the cell phone aside for several hours a day and ignore it. You can devote yourself to more beautiful activities.

It is not necessary  to have your cell phone with you all the time. You don’t need it at dinner or when you’re moving around the house and doing various things. Just put it away and enjoy the food! Take a book, have a cup of tea and devote yourself entirely to yourself!

If something really urgent does happen, you will find out soon enough. Because we are never completely offline in the 21st century.

5. Set a specific time for using the cell phone

Of course, there are always things to do or to review. But set a specific time for the smartphone and then put it away again. You know that relaxation is important and you can combine both:  After you have checked your cell phone at a certain time, you put it away and do other activities without always having it with you.

6. Mobile phone withdrawal: shut down the smartphone!

If the smartphone does not vibrate or make any noise, you will not be disturbed or interrupted in  other activities. You can fully concentrate on these activities. Try it!

During sleep, in particular, it is essential to keep your cell phone silent and, ideally, to banish it from the bedroom completely in order to relax.

7. Use a traditional clock

You shouldn’t use the phone as an alarm clock. Buy a classic alarm clock and relax completely without thinking about possible notifications. 

8. Cell phone withdrawal: do something new!

Learn a language, write a book, draw or paint, and do things you’ve always wanted to do. When you let go of the phone, you have a lot more time to do other things that give you far greater satisfaction. 

Some people spend long hours sending memes or jokes to others. That is lifetime that is lost and that you can use much more meaningfully! 

9. Set the phone to airplane mode

Cell phone withdrawal
Don’t forget to switch your smartphone to airplane mode if you want to focus on more important things.

Switch your phone to airplane mode while you do more important things or do sports, for example. As soon as you are done, you can “reward” yourself with a few minutes of mobile phone use. 

10. Cell phone withdrawal: switch off the device!

If you still find it difficult to put your phone aside, you need to go one step further: turn  it off and take the time to think about how and why you are using your phone. 

Final remark

If you want to put these tips into practice to use your cell phone less often and realize  that this is an impossibility for you, you should seek psychological help. Because you may already suffer from a smartphone addiction.

However, you should always remain calm, because even if you find it difficult to turn off your cell phone at first,  you will gradually be able to do it. You will become aware that you don’t need it at all and that you live far happier without a smartphone. 

Mindfulness or yoga can help you on your way to bring balance and calm into your life. You should be aware of the importance of making peace with yourself.

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