Cashew Cream: Properties, Preparation And Use

Cashew nuts have very interesting properties and are also very versatile. In our article you will learn more about the health benefits and we will show you how you can make a cashew cream and then use it in various recipes. Read on!

Cashew cream: properties, preparation and use

Cashew nuts or nuts are dried fruits that can be eaten in their natural form or used for a wide variety of recipes. In the  cashew cream that  we recommend you today, these kernels retain all of their nutrients and taste great. Read on, it’s easy to prepare!

Herbal creams or spreads

Vegetable creams or spreads are made from various dried fruits,  which have very beneficial properties as long as consumption is limited. Creams made from almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios or cashew nuts are particularly popular. Among other things, they are characterized by healthy fatty acids such as omega 3, 6 and 9.

At the same time, it is an important source of fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium and other phytochemical substances that benefit the body. Since many nutrients are concentrated in the peel, it is advisable to eat dried fruits unpeeled and unroasted.

Make cashew cream yourself
Like other dried fruits, cashew nuts are characterized by healthy fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals that promote health.

Cashew cream: what are its health benefits?

The cashew nut cream is very mild and creamy. It is often used for desserts, but  is also very tasty in sauces or as a spread in salty recipes. You can also use it to make vegan cheese.

In a scientific article with the title Frutos secos: Aliados para tus comidas (dt. Dried fruits: allies in your diet) various benefits of this food are highlighted, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Cashew nuts promote cardiovascular health

These dried fruits are high in fiber and healthy fatty acids that promote healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. At the same time, they reduce the risk of heart diseases  such as arrhythmia or atheroma plaques. In addition, cashew nuts are also said to promote brain health!

Better gut health

As mentioned earlier, cashew nuts contain important fiber that is also beneficial for the intestinal tract. They are also excellent in preventing disorders such as constipation or the formation of diverticula.

Cashew nuts promote skin and hair health

Copper, zinc and vitamins of the B complex, which are also found in cashew nuts,  improve the complexion and health of the hair. The reason for this is that they are not only important for the nervous system, but also promote collagen production. And collagen is known to be very important for the health and beauty of skin and hair.

Cashew cream: the recipe

To make cashew cream you only need natural cashew nuts (unsalted, not roasted). In addition, a powerful stand mixer or a kitchen robot is required. 


  • First you soak the cashew nuts in water overnight and then pour the water away.
  • Then you put the kernels in the powerful blender or kitchen robot and puree them for 2 to 3 minutes until a cream forms. Be careful not to overheat the device.
  • You process the cashew nuts until the cream is homogeneous.

If you don’t want the cream to be so firm, you can add a little water. You can also sweeten them with stevia or sugar, for example, or refine them with cocoa, pepper, salt or aromatic herbs.

Prepare cashew cream
To make a cashew cream, all you need is raw cashew nuts and a powerful food processor.

How to use cashew cream

There are many ways to further process the cashew cream. It is perfect for breakfast and for snacks in between.

Delicious spread

You can replace butter or spread with this cashew cream, or use it instead of cheese. If you love sweets, you can refine them with cocoa, stevia and cinnamon. If you prefer something salty, it’s best to season with pepper, garlic and parsley.

Filling for cakes

Cashew cream is a perfect filling for cakes, but in this case you shouldn’t add water to make it as viscous as possible. Prepare a cake base, then brush it with the cashew cream. Finally, you can decorate the cake with fruit or dried fruit.

Cashew cream ice cream

For this recipe, you’ll need to cut and freeze a banana beforehand. Then you puree the banana together with two tablespoons of cashew cream. You can sweeten your homemade ice cream as you wish and add coconut flakes, chocolate chips or frozen, cut fruit. This ice cream is vegan and tastes delicious!

Vegan cheese made from cashew cream

If you want to make vegan cheese yourself, just add salt and, if you like, other spices to the cashew cream. Then you heat the cream at a low temperature and add a tablespoon of corn flour (Maizena) or another thickening agent. This will give you an excellent texture.

Cashew cream for your favorite dishes

As you can see, this recipe is very easy to make and then use afterwards. You can of course also use the cashew cream without any other ingredients as a spread or on biscuits. However, you should definitely try the ice cream and other delicious desserts!

When consumed in modest amounts, cashew cream makes an excellent addition to a healthy and varied diet. Because as you have seen, it provides important nutrients that maintain your health. Would you like to try our recipe?

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