Broken Souls: The Reality Of Psychologically Abused People

Broken souls can assume completely different roles, but the important thing is to recognize them and help them to escape hell.

Broken souls: the reality of psychologically abused people

Broken souls are usually heartbroken in childhood. Parental abuse, lack of affection, and indifference mark a being for life.

In adulthood these souls enter into relationships, but these are not idyllic as one reads in romantic books or sees in films.

Traumatic experiences from childhood also shape adulthood. Here the difficult question arises: can broken souls be healed?

Are you aware of what you want to experience?


When it comes to abuse or mistreatment in a relationship, there is always a perpetrator and a victim. Many people who love the victim try to open their eyes. But they don’t make it.

Through the privations and abuse in childhood, affected people develop certain aggressive behavior patterns that turn them into perpetrators: insults, beatings, bad words, degrading behavior …

Broken souls don’t experience anything new. They only learn other strategies the perpetrators use to try to subdue them.

When they become aware that the relationship is not going well, they become scared.

They begin to fight back and receive stronger blows that they try to hide, for example with makeup. Or by making up excuses like falling, which are often ignored.

They are aware that situations that were previously considered “normal” are slipping out of their hands. They don’t want to go on living like this, but they don’t know how to get out of the situation. 


The victims feel confused, fearful, and powerless. Without being aware of it, they fed the monster for a long period of time. Now they no longer know how to escape from it.

Two sides of the same coin

Even if it is difficult to believe,  both perpetrators and victims confirm that the two sides of the same coin are two sides.

Both suffered in childhood, but this comes to light in different ways in adulthood.

  • The attempt to dominate the other: The perpetrator exercises the power over his victim that was taken from him in his childhood. He doesn’t want to be hurt. He doesn’t want to feel weak.

Therefore, he inflicts pain on the person he loves most. Weak people are ideal for this.

  • Necessity to please: The victim, on the other hand, seeks to please others and be accepted in order to receive tender words and the love they long for. It feels that it has to do everything well and not make mistakes.

If not, the victim considers it logical and acceptable to be punished for it.

The big problem with this is that  every victim turns into a broken soul. It is torn from the inside, used, has to endure unbearable pain, is exposed to threats. And all too often the victim is murdered.


The victim has no means of defending himself  because he never learned that. However, what he learned, and very well, in his childhood is to hide his feelings and suffer inside.

A cycle from which one can only escape with great patience, hope and steadfastness.

Broken souls can be healed

Unfortunately, many broken souls can never completely heal. Everything that happens in childhood leaves deep marks and shapes future life.

But if you can count on the right people in life,  if you manage to draw strength where there was none,  to question everything you have learned, to overcome all the fear, then there is hope.

You break up with this destructive and painful relationship that leaves a deeper void in your heart and soul.

But you did it. And now the moment has come to take a new path.

Now you need to surround yourself with people who love you and get professional help who can give you the right advice and guidance.

Step by step, calmly and  unhurriedly, destroyed souls heal and gradually glue the broken pieces back together again. 

Broken souls can be healed

Of course, cracks and deep impressions of the experience remain  Nobody can forget those experiences that made you who you are today.

But the positive is being better now; Seeing the past as an experience and moving forward despite all the scars, because now you are healed.

Broken souls can be healed and look to the future with hope. However, you need to be careful not to make the same mistakes again. And change their views, to recognize wrong things in order not to suffer from them again.

There is a before and an after in an abusive relationship. Never forget that you have opportunities to change your situation!

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