Brittle Nails – What Can I Do?

Malnutrition and certain lifestyle habits or circumstances – such as nail biting, continuous contact with chemicals, etc. – weakens the nails.

Brittle nails - what can I do?

Brittle nails – what to do? Many women suffer from brittle nails for no apparent reason, which quickly make their hands look unkempt. Often the many activities around the house and at work are to blame.

If you also suffer from this problem, you will learn important tips in the following article. Your brittle nails will soon be a thing of the past. 

Brittle nails – why?

There are many reasons why we have brittle nails that don’t grow properly, chip, split, or break with every slightest careless movement. Brittle nails are usually thin and then wear out quickly – no matter what we do.

Whether we’re doing the washing up, typing on the keyboard or just doing nothing on the weekend. Brittle nails are not only related to our activities, but are also caused by other factors:

  • Diet: If you do not supply your body with enough vitamins A and B or if you do not consume enough iron, protein, zinc and calcium, your nails will become unattractive and yellowish.
  • Decalcification: This happens when there is a lack of calcium and insufficient calcium assimilation.
  • Diseases: Diseases that are associated with brittle nails are anemia, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, circulatory problems or rheumatism.

  • Poor general condition: If the body and the immune system are weak, nails can become brittle.
  • External aggressors: Contact with chemical products (bleach, cleaning agents, disinfectants, etc.) as well as with water (washing up, bathing the children, rinsing vegetables) can also lead to brittle nails.

    The nails also have some natural “enemies” that we shouldn’t forget. These are:

    • Aging
    • Dermatitis (e.g. psoriasis)
    • genetic predisposition
    • extreme heat or cold
    • Chewing finger nails
    • UV radiation
    • excessive manicure (shaping, brushing, filing, etc.)
    • Mycosis (Candida albicans is a fungus that affects the nails and can also cause reddening of the skin).

    Recommendations against brittle nails

    If you’re tired of brittle nails, read our advice. Wash the dishes with gloves and, if possible, no more than once a day: Dish soap and warm water are poison for your hands and nails.

    The chemical ingredients and the hot water make the nails soft and brittle. You can first soak the dishes in the sink in hot water with dish soap. This way, leftover food can be removed much easier and faster later.

    You should always have latex gloves ready and wear cotton gloves underneath so that the moisture soaks up and the nails are cared for.

    nail polish
    • Eat more protein: Both nails and hair are made up of protein. Protein can be found in meat, leafy vegetables, and soy.
    • Eat more fatty acids:  These are also very important for strong and healthy nails. You can find these in eggs, whole milk, nuts, all vegetables, butter, and linseed oil.
    • Fix your nails right away:  If your nails break frequently, it’s best to keep them short. If the nails break, they should be repaired immediately. You can file them and put on a small “bandage”.


      Other Recommendations

      • Pay attention to the manicure:  Don’t scratch your nails if the nail polish is peeling as this can weaken the top layer. Use nail polish remover no more than once a week, otherwise the nail will dry out. Also, avoid nail hardeners and artificial nails, as these only cover up the real problem. After that, the nails often look even worse.
      • Don’t use your nails as tools:  your nails are not there to open cans or remove labels. Such activities make them weaker and much easier to break.
      • Do not keep your nails under water for long: You can give your nails a bath once a week, but they should not be under water more often. If you go on vacation or go swimming every day in summer, you should be aware that not only the water, but also the chlorine in the pool can make the nails brittle and damage the skin.

        Nails painted
        • Do a nail regimen every week: use a salt and olive oil hand scrub to rub on your hands. Remove the nail polish and always file the nails in the same direction (sideways towards the center). Soak your nails in lukewarm water for a few minutes and massage moisturizer into your hands. You can also wrap your hands in a towel.
        • Use home remedies, the most popular are the following mixtures:
          • Lemon juice with sugar
          • Apple cider vinegar and warm water
          • castor oil
          • Honey and wheat germ oil
          • crushed garlic with nail polish
          • Dill with water
          • Baking soda with water
          • papaya
          • Egg white and almond oil, etc.

        Whichever mixture you choose, leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

        Images courtesy of  Alex, Lisa Bentley, Ivan McClellan, Courtney Rhodes, Lelé Breveglieri

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