Black Pepper, Lemon And Olive Oil For A Remedy

Perhaps you already consume a glass of lemon water every morning – then you can enrich it with black pepper and olive oil and make it even more valuable

Black pepper, lemon and olive oil for a remedy

Black pepper, lemon and olive oil are used in this great remedy . You will not want to imagine your everyday life without it.

It is enough if you take a tablespoon every morning to see how, within a few weeks, many of your symptoms will go away and you will feel better overall.

If you are one of those people who has sworn by the healing powers of lemon for a long time, by all the vitamins and minerals that we take with us, then don’t hesitate and add two more healthy foods to it.

Black pepper and olive oil make lemon juice a versatile remedy.

We’ll show you what this remedy can do for you and your health!

Black pepper, lemon and olive oil: 4 incredible effects

This remedy complements our everyday life optimally, but is also not able to work miracles on its own.

A healthy, balanced diet, in which excessive consumption of saturated fats is avoided, as well as regular physical activity are a prerequisite for health and well-being .

Such a solid base can be strengthened with black pepper, lemon, and olive oil.

These three foods support the basic functions of your organs and the nutrients that you supply your organism with this remedy benefit many different tissues and cells.

On the other hand, those who do not choose a healthy lifestyle and adopt habits that damage the cardiovascular system or the excretory organs, for example, cannot expect much more from this remedy than from a plaster that is stuck on a wound that is too large.

We therefore recommend that you pay attention to what ends up on your plate day after day. Exercise is good for your body and mind, helps you to process your emotions and reduces tension and stress.

So now that we’ve got the basics down, let’s get to what black pepper, lemon, and olive oil can do for you.

feel good

Improve heart function

All of these three foods are important ingredients in the healthy Mediterranean diet.

Black pepper already has a long history in our culture. In many civilizations it was even used as a means of payment because of its high value.

It was also known about its effects on the heart and circulation, and the next delivery of the highly valued food was often eagerly awaited.

Lemon is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C, from which the blood vessels benefit particularly. The arteries maintain their elasticity and plaque build-up on the vessel walls is then reduced.

Extra virgin olive oil is particularly rich in healthy fats, which our heart also needs to prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids help us to lower the blood level of LDL cholesterol and to increase the level of HDL, the good cholesterol.

A detoxifying remedy

The combination of lemon juice and olive oil results in an effective, detoxifying remedy that is particularly effective on an empty stomach.

  • The consumption of lemon juice and olive oil facilitates the elimination of metabolic end products and toxins, which relieves the organs that are entrusted with precisely these functions.
  • The liver is at the forefront here. You also benefit from the extra portion of vitamins and healthy fatty acids.
  • The intestines may here also not be forgotten. A regular digestion is a prerequisite for the health of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The absorption of nutrients from food is then increased.
  • Black pepper complements the two aforementioned foods very well.

Natural source of manganese

The pinch of black pepper that we add to this remedy contains significant amounts of manganese. Various enzymes in our organism need this mineral in order to be able to stimulate a number of biochemical processes.

These include in particular reactions that take place in the context of protein and fat metabolism.

The consumption of pepper benefits our bones, but also our skin : It regenerates faster, wounds heal better and it helps with wrinkles.

Help with losing weight

This effect comes within a few weeks and cannot be expected after using the remedy for the first time.

Black pepper contains piperine, which stimulates the metabolism. Heat is produced, sweat is released. In this way, toxins and fluid retention can be excreted in all ways.

Preparation and use


Option 1: a tablespoon


  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • a teaspoon lemon juice (5 ml)
  • 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (10 ml)

Preparation and consumption

Mix the indicated amounts of black pepper, lemon juice, and olive oil together. Everything should fit on a larger tablespoon.

Take the remedy in this form in the morning on an empty stomach. You will see how good it is for you.

Option 2: In a glass


  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (15 ml)
  • 1 glass of lemon water (200 ml)

Preparation and consumption

If you have a glass of lemon water in the morning before breakfast, you don’t have to change that habit to use this remedy. Just add a pinch of black pepper and a little olive oil, then the water is consumed as usual.

You can also find the recipe for the lemon water in the article quoted above.

Choose which of the two variants suits you better. Maybe you feel more comfortable with one or the other because they are better for you.

If your empty stomach doesn’t like a glass of lemon water, alternative 1 is likely to be more comfortable for you. Both are equally healthy.

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