Are Anemia And Iron Deficiency The Same Thing?

Often anemia and iron deficiency are confused or taken for the same thing. The fact is, iron deficiency causes only one type of anemia. Namely the iron deficiency anemia. But there are other types of anemia as well. These have other causes. So it is important to know the difference to avoid wrong treatments.

Are anemia and iron deficiency the same thing?

In fact, many people confuse the terms anemia ‘ and ‘ iron deficiency. So now is the time to explain that the two are not the same thing. However, it is true that there is a connection: Iron deficiency is the cause of a certain type of anemia, namely iron deficiency anemia. But they cannot be used interchangeably.

Anemia is also called anemia in German, although there are different types. And of course these can each have different causes. Iron deficiency is just one of them. Other types of anemia are caused by disorders in the production of red blood cells or hemoglobin, for example.

It’s important to know that iron is part of the hemoglobin that is found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin enables oxygen to be transported in the body via the bloodstream, so that the oxygen reaches all cells in our body. Because they need it to fulfill their vital functions.

In some cases there is actually a link between anemia and iron deficiency . However, reduced iron levels do not play a role in all types of anemia. That is why in this article we explain why anemia and iron deficiency are not the same thing and how to distinguish them.

How can you tell the difference between anemia and iron deficiency?

In order to differentiate between anemia and iron deficiency, the following is important first: You have to know what exactly both problems are and what causes them in each case. As already mentioned, iron is an essential component of red blood cells and is important for transporting oxygen in the body.

Your body normally gets the iron it needs from food. There are of course some foods that contain more iron than others. Therefore, certain eating habits often lead to iron deficiency. For example, with people who follow a purely vegetarian diet.

After all, foods such as red meat and fish are among those with the highest iron content. In addition, iron deficiency can also be caused by the following: The body cannot absorb iron properly. Certain diseases affect the digestive system. For example, in celiac disease, i.e. gluten intolerance and this can then lead to changes in the process of absorbing nutrients.

Then it can quickly be that one already speaks of anemia. Because this means a reduction in red blood cells, a reduced hemoglobin concentration in the blood, or a low hematocrit.

As I said, it’s important to remember that anemia can have many causes. And iron deficiency is just one of them. This affects the hemoglobin concentration. However, anemia and iron deficiency cannot be used interchangeably.

Anemia and iron deficiency

What types of anemia are there?

So, as you can see, there is a link between anemia and iron deficiency. But that only applies to one type of anemia, namely iron deficiency anemia. It is the most common form of anemia and affects women of childbearing potential in particular.

This is a condition in which the iron content is too low. As a result, the bone marrow is no longer able to make hemoglobin correctly. This deficiency can in turn have a variety of causes, such as:

  • Blood loss: This makes iron deficiency more common in women due to menstruation. But it can of course also be caused by bleeding from an injury.
  • Digestive problems: For example, an ulcer can cause iron deficiency. Or other diseases that affect the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.
  • Colon cancer: Even if this is a rare cause, it is important to know about it. Because with colon cancer there is hidden blood loss in the stool. The first signs are often anemia and iron deficiency.

On the other hand, it’s important to know that there are many other types of anemia. In aplastic anemia, for example, the body is unable to produce enough red blood cells. This can be caused by a bone marrow disease, infection, or certain medications.

Foods high in iron

Other causes of anemia

A deficiency in certain vitamins, such as vitamin B12, can interfere with the production of red blood cells. This often happens in people with chronic alcoholism. Another common cause is also chronic inflammatory disease. Like rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition , anemia can also be the result of cancer that affects the blood. For example, leukemia. And it can even be hemolytic anemia. The problem with this is that the red blood cells are destroyed faster than they are created.

Bottom line: anemia and iron deficiency are not the same thing

So you could see that the terms are often used synonymously. But they are by no means the same. Iron deficiency is the cause of one type of anemia and that is iron deficiency anemia. This is the most common.

There are also many other types of anemia. These have other causes. It is important that a correct diagnosis is made. Because this is the only way to carry out adequate treatment. Not all anemic conditions improve when iron is added as a dietary supplement. It is therefore the job of a doctor to determine what steps to take with each patient.

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