An Experiment Confirms: Social Networks Are Dangerous For Children

It is essential to supervise our underage children when they surf the Internet. In social networks in particular, there is a great risk that you will contact strangers and put yourself in danger

An experiment confirms: Social networks are dangerous for children

All over the world, social networks are used more and more by minors.

While it might be believed that this is safe, the reality confirms that social networks can be a danger to children and teenagers.

Since the settings make it possible to use social networks while remaining anonymous or assuming a false identity, many pedophiles and pederasts have found their tools in them.

They allow them to approach the children step by step and thus gain their trust.

Do your underage children have a Facebook profile? Or are you logged on to another network? And if so, do you know who they are communicating with there?

If your answer to the last question is no, then after reading the following article, you will be putting more effort into following what your children are doing online.

He contacted the girls via social networks and then informed the parents

In order to raise awareness among the parents, and not least among the girls themselves, a Youtuber who became known as Coby Persin started an experiment.

With this experiment he wanted to show that social networks are a wolf in sheep’s clothing that poses a danger to innocent children.

He first created a profile in which he pretended to be a 15-year-old teenager. His aim was to get in touch with girls between the ages of 12 and 14.

He has been in regular contact with the girls for several days and has thus won their trust. When he got to that point, he made an appointment with them so they could get to know each other personally.

Social networks

He did all of this with the permission of the parents, who assumed that their daughters could make responsible decisions and would decline the invitation to the meeting.

After all, they didn’t even know the person they were talking to and their parents had taken care to point out such dangers to them.

The disillusionment came when they noticed that the girls accepted the “boy” without giving it much thought. In no case did they inform their parents about their plans.

The meeting

When the meeting finally took place, the girls were very surprised that their new boyfriend was much older than them. The surprise was even greater when they found that he had come with their own parents.

Coby, who came up with the idea to carry out this experiment, assures that his intention has always been to create awareness of the dangers that children are exposed to on social networks.

Many criminals find food here for their sick instincts. He gives the following number to underline his statement:


Can you imagine what could have happened if the girls had encountered a pedophile at this point?

Or someone who wanted to kidnap her? This is a very worrying situation, and it is not limited to the United States either, but can happen anywhere in the world.

That is why it is important for us parents that we know what our children are up to on social networks and on the internet in general.

Technology makes everyday life easier for us and for children, has become an indispensable medium of communication, but that doesn’t make it harmless.

How do you recognize fake Facebook profiles?

With a bit of common sense and taking into account the following recommendations, false Facebook profiles can be exposed quite easily.

Facebook - social networks


Users who log in using a fake profile usually hardly upload any photos. Especially not one where friends can be seen or that were made in larger groups.

If the profile photo is real, then the “Like” was usually clicked a few times or the photo was commented on by social circles.


If posts appear on the fake Facebook page, then they usually have little point and are only published so that the profile keeps the appearance of being up-to-date. This includes status updates that don’t say much, photos of women, cars, animals, maybe even a video.

Friends not visible

Since the fictitious user does not exist, he never comments on the publications of his friends either, except to get closer to them. So that this is not noticed, the setting is chosen so that others cannot see the friends list.

More tips

  • See how long a user has been registered since.
  • If you’ve never seen the person before and aren’t sure they exist, don’t date them. Educate your children about the danger.
  • Never give out your address, phone number or any other information.
  • If your children are minors, you have the right to supervise them.
  • Pay attention to your children’s behavior and see if they are hiding something.

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