A Sister Is Not Just A Friend, She Is Our Soul Mate

Even if the contact dies down from time to time, our sisters are always there for us when we need them. You are the friend we can always tell everything.

A sister is not just a friend, she is our soul mate

A sister is more than a friend. The connection we establish with her is not limited to the family.

She goes with us through thick and thin, is our everyday, strong support that we can always rely on.

Despite any differences and the childhood and adolescence, which was undoubtedly characterized by competition, discussions, hidden envy and strife about clothing, we finally understood over the years how important this bond is.

It is often said that the real family is based on choice, not genetics. That’s right, as we all know. Even so, the relationship with a sister often rises above all others.

It is an emotional, biological, and intimate connection that is so exclusive that anyone fortunate enough to have a sister knows that this is a real treasure to nurture and treasure.

The connection to the sister goes beyond one’s own family

You and your sister may have been silent for some time. Life sometimes presents us with strange crossroads, where pride  or difference over a thoughtless remark will make the difference.

Despite the distance and anger, it hurts our hearts and it costs us a lot to overcome this separation to maintain this hostility for a long time. After all, it’s our little or big sister, the one who has always given us the best advice and guidance.

A phone call, a smile, a shared memory and immediately this unbreakable connection re-emerges despite all the distance, despite all the accusations.

Let’s see how this relationship with our sisters works.


Same nursery, but very different in character

Sometimes it is really amazing how sisters, despite having the same upbringing and almost the same experiences, can end up being very different from one another.

  • There are the reactionaries and the unruly who have taught us to defend our self-esteem and our rights, to have a voice and to make decisions that are best for us.
  • Other sisters, on the other hand, are this sea of ​​calm and serenity, who always knew how to give us protection and comfort. They support us in difficult times and with them we feel understood and in good hands.

    There is no reason that siblings should have the same character. Just as children are never copies of their parents, siblings also tend to have very different interests and reactions to the same facts.

    This is also a form of help and growth as they can complement each other in so many ways.

    When we don’t lack words

    Usually we don’t have to tell a sister that we are sick when we stand in front of her. The bond of feeling and blood and the experience help her to immediately guess that something is wrong.

    This is the moment when this closeness and caring comes into its own, which soothes us so much.

    Although we have friends and can rely on our parents, we share many stories and situations with a sister from which she understands very well how she can help us.

    Distances and differences do not matter


    It doesn’t matter if there is an ocean between us or if our maturation process and history have forced us to separate so that we can live with our own partners.

    The care and concern for the sister is omnipresent. It’s something natural and almost instinctive.

    Be it calls or messages, there will always be a way to get this support. An everlasting sympathy from our soulmates.

    Nobody tells us the truth as honestly as our sister

    Maybe it’s the years or all the similarities, but we know very well that nobody tells us the truth as honestly and ruthlessly as our sister.

    • A sister will never find herself forced to be indulgent or even to flatter us in a hackneyed way. She knows that honesty is part of the family bond and so that’s exactly what we want her to do.
    • A sister will always be more than a friend because we’ve been through so much with her. The sometimes complicated experiences of childhood, the mistakes they made in their youth and the maturity achieved by both are shared personal triumphs that leave their mark.

    Traces in the heart …

    If you are removed from your sister at this very moment because of some trivial falling out, swallow your pride. It’s not worth it.

    Life is a lot easier than we thought, and mutual support among siblings is an extraordinary gift that we should enjoy every day.

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