The 9 Best Natural Pain Relievers

There are foods that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects similar to drugs. If you prefer natural alternatives, this article will interest you.

The 9 best natural pain relievers

The purpose an analgesic is the pain that occur in all parts of the body (especially in the head, muscles or joints) can alleviate or eliminate.

There are all sorts of pain relievers on the market that we can buy in pharmacies. But for those who prefer effective home remedies, this article is sure to be very helpful. Therefore, you will find a list of the best natural pain relievers below.

1. Olive oil

Olive oil is a wonderful home remedy that can relieve a wide variety of ailments and ailments. It also tastes delicious. Only use cold-pressed extra virgin oil as this is the healthiest. It is available in health food stores, at organic fairs or in supermarkets.

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This oil contains a natural substance that works like ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Research has shown that olive oil can be compared to these drugs.

The good news is that it is a natural remedy and therefore there are fewer health risks, including blood clots, Alzheimer’s or cancer, which is especially important for those who (have to) take these drugs frequently. 

2. Turmeric

This spice contains curcumin, which helps block pain in the body and fight inflammation. It can thus be used in place of drugs without causing side effects.

As shown in several studies, turmeric can help control pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis by stopping neurotransmitters from being sent to the brain.


The recommended dose of curcumin is around 600 mg, which should be taken three times a day for maximum effect.

3. Fish oil

Since fish oil contains many omega 3 fatty acids, it is able to prevent the production of inflammatory substances such as leukotriene and ciitoquia, which are responsible for many severe pain and are also one of the causes of arthritis.

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Consuming fish oil regularly can alleviate Crohn’s disease and is particularly recommended for people who take steroids and other drugs and who can become addicted quickly, as they need more and more of the drug over time to achieve an effect. 

4. blueberries

The delicious, small blue fruit is said to have many health-promoting properties. Due to its antioxidants, it not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also removes free radicals that can irritate the gastrointestinal mucous membrane. This is also what causes ulcers, urinary tract infections, and other ailments.

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Research confirms that consuming a cup of blueberries a day can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections by up to 60%. The berries are also ideal for purifying the blood, reducing inflammation and excreting water retention. Blood sugar levels are also regulated in patients with diabetes.

5. Grapes

Grapes are particularly useful for back pain, which is very common in our society due to the widespread use of computers and televisions. The anti-inflammatory properties of the grape make the blood flow better in the lumbar region, which helps relieve pain.

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Studies have shown that the recommended daily dose to benefit from the good properties of grapes is one cup a day. This will help you relieve pain in your back, neck, upper arms, and waist.

6. Oatmeal

Oatmeal has many great properties, so it’s best to eat it every day for breakfast – with orange juice, milk, or yogurt. They are particularly recommended for women, as their anti-inflammatory properties can work wonders for menstrual cramps. 

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It is also a perfect and complete food that is high in zinc and can bring great relief to those suffering from endometriosis . You can also use the oatmeal as a breading for meat, fish, vegetables and soups. 

7. Garlic

How could it be otherwise: Garlic has thousands of wonderful properties and can also have great effects as a pain reliever.   For example, it relieves joint pain caused by arthritis. To reap its benefits, you should chop a clove of garlic and mix it with a tablespoon of oil. Then apply the garlic mix to the affected area and let it work. You will notice that the pain or discomfort subsides over time.

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Garlic can also be used for toothache. To do this, crush three cloves of garlic and mix them with a little salt. Then apply the mixture to the affected tooth and leave it on for a few minutes. Together with your saliva, the released garlic juices will soon relieve toothache. Toothache is, if we’re honest, one of the worst types of pain.

8. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great way to add flavor to salads or preserve food, but it’s also an effective pain reliever. It has an alkalizing effect that benefits the whole body. Apple cider vinegar will undoubtedly do you good, especially in a stressful lifestyle, because it reduces the acidity in the stomach and prevents stomach infections.

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To take advantage of its benefits, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Then drink the drink when you have reflux – you will get impressive results with it.

9. Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is great for relieving inflammation in the muscles and relaxing the nerves. It contains a variety of healthy properties that can benefit your body. The tea will help you relieve pain in your back, neck, and waist area.


To feel the full effect of the tea, you should drink three cups of chamomile tea throughout the day and also at night – you will see how muscle and joint pain subside.

Images courtesy of   delfina basterrica, Smabs Sputzer, Steven Jackson, Alpha, Daniella Segura, Anders Ljungberg, Wiennat Mongkulmann, David Pursehouse,, Valter Wei.

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