Things That Could Help You Regulate Your Blood Sugar Level

In addition to medical treatment, the following recommendations can be observed to regulate your blood sugar level. 

Things that might help regulate blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels can have serious health consequences. The normal values ​​are between 80 and 100 mg / dl. What do you do to maintain blood sugar levels ?

The glucose in the blood is regulated by the hormone insulin. If there is a relative or absolute insulin deficiency or a disturbed glucose tolerance, the sugar balance is imbalanced, which can lead to diabetes.

In addition to medical treatment, the following recommendations can be observed to regulate blood sugar levels.

Do sports regularly

Blood sugar is an important fuel that is particularly necessary during exertion. Therefore, getting enough exercise is essential to regulate blood sugar levels. 20-30 minutes of exercise are recommended every day.

Less carbohydrates

Carbohydrates cause blood sugar levels to rise, so it is highly recommended that you limit your consumption. 

More proteins


Lean proteins (such as fish, chicken breast or pork loin) mean that fewer carbohydrates are converted into glucose. This helps in regulating blood sugar levels.

Eat several times a day

Anyone who suffers from high blood sugar levels should eat healthy food at least every 2 to 3 hours.  This can prevent a low sugar level – if you have hypoglycaemia, you will want something sweet.

Practice relaxation techniques

exercise yoga

With constant stress and pressure, the risk of glycogen being released in the blood increases. Glycogen is a secondary storage form of glucose that can cause blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.

Try to reduce stress and learn relaxation techniques that will help you relieve stress.


Various studies have shown that cinnamon has a positive effect on diabetes and regulating blood sugar levels.

This spice is easily available and can help reduce the body’s sensitivity to insulin, so the body can regulate blood sugar levels better itself.

Prickly pear

prickly pear juice

Various research studies have shown that the prickly pear is also extremely effective in reducing blood sugar levels. It contains a lot of fiber and active ingredients that normalize the sugar metabolism. Therefore, this plant is also ideal for diabetics.


Garlic should not be missing in any kitchen, as it has numerous health-promoting effects. Garlic is also an excellent aid with high blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of garlic can lower blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes.

Garlic is characterized by active ingredients with an insulin-like effect and can regulate glucose metabolism.

Maintain blood sugar levels with onion


Research from the University of Gezira, Sudan, has shown that consuming around 100 grams of raw onions daily can reduce blood sugar levels in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. Onions are also rich in flavonoids and sulfur.

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