Exercises To Alleviate Hip Bursitis

Today we want to introduce you to some exercises that can help you to alleviate hip bursitis. However, you should first see a physical therapist. He will recommend the most suitable exercises for your particular case.

Exercises to relieve hip bursitis

There are a number of exercises you can do to relieve hip bursitis pain. Because this is a painful and very annoying inflammatory disease. More precisely, it is the inflammation of the bursa, a gelatinous bag that protects your muscles, tendons and bones from each other.

If you ‘ve got hip bursitis , then the bursa that’s located between the thighbone (femur) and the pelvic bone is infected. It acts like a pillow, reducing the friction between the bones.

Hip bursitis is a very unpleasant disease for those affected because it causes sharp and intense pain. In general, women are more prone to it as the disease is linked to aging and osteoporosis. At the same time, however, it can also arise from other diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Let us now take a closer look at this disease.

Types of bursitis

Hip bursitis isn’t the only form of the condition that can affect people.

In addition, it can also appear on the knees, shoulders, wrists, and elbows. If the hips are affected, it is usually because the tensor muscle of the fascia lata (located on the inside of the leg) is rubbing against the trochanter. The former is on the inside of the leg and the latter protrudes from the head of the femur.

Hip bursitis , also known as trochanteric bursitis , manifests itself clinically in two different ways. First of all as a result of trauma in this area. In addition , it can also occur due to a bone spur or improper stress on the hip muscle.

Therefore, the treating species must first perform a thorough physical examination to determine the cause of the disease. After all, a correct diagnosis is of great importance in choosing the appropriate treatment. In addition, it is also very important to take care that this inflammation does not become chronic. Once the symptoms in the joint persist, it is very difficult to reverse this process.

Hip bursitis - man in pain
Hip bursitis can develop as a result of a bone spur or inflammation in this area.

Exercises to relieve hip bursitis

The first thing you can do to relieve and get rid of the pain associated with hip bursitis is rest – even before performing various exercises. If the pain is very severe, it means that the inflammation is acute. Therefore, it is best to give your hips sufficient rest and protection with a good anatomical foam cushion with memory effect.

As soon as you have overcome the acute pain phase, you should begin your exercise routine to completely eliminate the pain. So that you can do this in a safe and gentle way, you should observe the following information:

  • Perform the movements gently and slowly.
  • Breathe normally, inhaling and exhaling calmly to avoid tension. If the pain gets worse, stop doing the exercise.
  • In addition, you should warm up your muscles before performing any hip bursitis relief exercise .

The next step is to stretch your feet. One way is to cross one foot behind the other and then bend your body to the unaffected side. Or you can lie down with your back on the floor or a mat and stretch the iliotibial ligament or hips as far as you can.

More exercises to relieve hip bursitis

Another option is to gently stretch your hip rotator while lying down. This is a muscle in the outer area that allows the thigh to move away from the body. However, you should be very careful here and never force the movement. Because doing so could make the injury even worse.

Another exercise that strengthens this area is lifting your leg straight up while lying on your side. Hip abduction or lifting the inside of the thighs can also be very helpful.

Regardless of the exercise you do, you have to make sure to regulate the number of repetitions and allow yourself enough rest between the individual rounds. In this way, the soft parts of the joint can relax again.

Hip bursitis - Physiotherapy
You should first contact a physical therapist who will show you the exercises you can do at home.

Supplementary measures to the relieving exercises for hip bursitis

A physical therapist is the one who will recommend the exercises that are most appropriate in your particular case. In some cases, your doctor will prescribe a combination of manual physical therapy and pain relievers. If these measures did not produce positive results, the last option is surgery.

In addition to doing hip bursitis treatments, you can cool the affected areas to relieve the pain. Cold is particularly helpful in the acute stage of inflammation. If your doctor recommends this, injections are more effective if the pain is severe.

In addition, you should learn certain routines and habits to prevent hip bursitis from recurring. This includes, for example, the following measures:

  • Avoid overloading this area of ​​the body.
  • Make sure your body weight is appropriate.
  • You should also sit comfortably to avoid excessive pressure on your hips.
  • Appropriate footwear is also very helpful in correcting poor posture.

An effective, practical, and inexpensive form of treatment

Doing these exercises regularly is one of the most effective ways to control hip bursitis. Because in this way you not only prevent muscle atrophy, but also the progression of osteoarthritis.

It is also a very inexpensive method. In fact, it doesn’t cost you anything! In addition, you can do these exercises in the comfort of your home and avoid future relapses.

If you have any questions or need help, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor.

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