Illness Due To Acidity And Wrong PH Value?

The body is able to drain excess acid itself

Illness due to acidity and wrong pH value?

One often hears and reads that over- acidification could lead to illness. Following this, an “alkaline diet” is usually recommended, which should rebalance the pH value and  prevent illness caused by over-acidification .

Dietary supplements are also sold for this purpose and many recipes are recommended. But what is the truth of the “hyperacidity”?

The pH

The pH value indicates the degree of acids or bases in liquids. The lower the value, the more acidic the liquid. The higher the value, the more alkaline.

For example, battery acid is at the bottom end of the scale with values ​​below 1, followed by stomach acid (1-1.5) and cola (2-3). Only then do lemon juice (2.4) and vinegar (2.5) line up.

On the other side of the scale, for example, is concrete, which is very alkaline with a pH of 12.6. Pure water has a pH value of 7, blood, on the other hand, is slightly more alkaline at 7.4 and saliva is somewhat more acidic at 6.5-7.4.

The human skin surface, the so-called protective acid mantle, has a pH of 5.5.

Blood vessels and hyperacidity

Acid disease

The idea of ​​”acidification” of the body probably originated as early as the 17th century, but only became popular in the 20th century through Franz Xaver Mayr, who also invented the well-known “Mayr cure”.

After him, many physicists and naturopaths followed these theses and made their own investigations. Science also dealt with the theory of “hyperacidity”.

Proponents of the “hyperacidity theory” believe that many diseases of civilization such as allergies, gout, neurodermatitis and cancer as a disease arise from overacidification of the body.

They argue that our modern diet with fast food, white flour, sugar, alcohol and other foods that are generally recognized as unhealthy lead to too many acids being formed in the body.

Basic nutrition

Supporters of the “alkaline diet” believe that over-acidification of the body must be prevented in order to prevent consequential damage and illnesses caused by over-acidification.

This should be done with a specific diet consisting of a long list of “basic” foods. These include, for example, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and raw milk. However, dairy products such as cheese are classified as “acidifying”.

If it is not possible to compensate for the assumed “acidity” of the body through diet, dietary supplements such as “base powder” should also help.

Blood circulation

The acid-base balance of the body

A healthy body regulates the acid-base ratio independently and does not need any special nutrition or powder.

Excess acids do not have to be balanced in the body with so-called “base-forming foods”, because the body excretes them again by itself.

Most of the excess acids are eliminated through the kidneys, but breath, sweat and bowel movements also contain acids.

Too many acids can only get into the blood in people who are really sick (diabetes, kidney dysfunction). But even then, there is no “over-acidification”, because the body mobilizes calcium from the bones in order to normalize the acid-base balance.

If an alleged “acidity” is diagnosed by a urine test at an alternative doctor or non-medical practitioner, this only means that the body’s natural regulatory mechanisms are working.

If the urine is “too acidic”, the body has automatically excreted excess acids. The pH of the urine fluctuates constantly throughout the day.


What does science say about it?

The opinion of science and medicine is clear: “Over-acidification” of the body is only possible with severe metabolic disorders (eg with diabetes) , but it is not caused by our modern and unhealthy diet.

No scientific study could establish a connection between “acidity” and diseases.

The only positive side effect of an “alkaline diet” is that such people deal more intensively with what they eat and therefore eat a little healthier.

The consumer advice center classifies “base-forming” food supplements as “unnecessary”. They also refer to our body’s natural buffer system, which is able to produce the acid-base balance itself.

Not only the consumer advice center, but also other institutions such as the German Nutrition Society (DGE), the German Cancer Aid, doctors and pharmacologists point out that there is no evidence for the theories on the subject of “acidity” and “alkaline nutrition” .

Doctors point out that there is a lucrative business behind many ideas …

Healthy nutrition and illness caused by acidosis

What can you do?

An “alkaline diet” basically harms your body just as little or as much as an “acidic diet”, because the body balances out any imbalance by itself, regardless of whether it is acidic or alkaline.

If you have the feeling that an “alkaline diet” is good for you, then it doesn’t hurt to continue paying attention to your diet.

Foods that are regarded as “acid-forming” in the theory of “alkaline nutrition” are often unhealthy and harm your health: white flour products, sugar, alcohol, meat, sausage, etc.

But because basically healthy foods such as soy products, nuts and tea are supposedly “acid-forming” and therefore “unfavorable”, you should not base your diet too strictly on the guidelines of the “alkaline diet”.

Note: Any form of diet and self-imposed food bans can lead to serious malnutrition and malnutrition! And that’s even scientifically proven to be unhealthy!

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