Vegetable Chips: 3 Delicious Ways To Prepare Them

Vegetable chips are a healthy way to take care of yourself without having to forego small delicacies such as salty chips. However, these are homemade and contain no preservatives or harmful additives.

Vegetable chips: 3 delicious ways to prepare them

The secret of perfect vegetable chips lies in choosing the right vegetables and spices. They are very easy to make, which is why choosing the right ingredients is so important. They can be served salty or spicy, everything depends on the taste you want.

Some vegetable chip  recipes contain lots of vegetable oil to make them really crispy. However, there are also variants that are prepared in the oven. This is of course healthier and more recommendable, as the chips can be browned better and retain more of their nutrients. The spices can also soak in better this way.

From today, learn to prepare vegetables from scratch. There are ways that are simply healthier and tastier than just cooking the old recipes over and over again.

We should also consider another fact. By making vegetable chips at home, you avoid the industrial potato chips. They have long had a bad reputation for high overweight and obesity rates. They also increase harmful cholesterol levels.

If you don’t enjoy cooking at home or buying and chopping vegetables, at least be careful with the products that are available in the supermarket. Often it’s just the same harmful potato chips that you get with coloring or small changes.

Now is really the time to learn the top three vegetable chip recipes that are easy to make at home. Delicious, natural, healthy and simply different. Doesn’t that sound interesting to your ears?

3 easy ways to prepare vegetable chips

1. Vegetable chips made from cassava

Vegetable chips made from cassava

This tuber is often prepared this way. The taste of the cassava is delicious. You don’t need a lot of condiments, it’s easy to prepare and can be served with a dip or homemade sauce.


  • 4 cassava bulbs
  • 2 spoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 pinch of black pepper
  • 1 pinch of kosher salt
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  1. Peel and wash the cassava bulbs first.
  2. Then heat water at high temperature with salt and pepper.
  3. Cut the cassava into slices and add them to the pot of water.
  4. Cook them slowly for 15 minutes.
  5. Then take them off the fire, drain them and place them on an oven tray.
  6. Before doing this, you have to rub each piece with olive oil and then season the whole thing with salt and pepper.
  7. Heat the oven to 170 ºC and bake the chips for 5 minutes on each side,  or until golden brown.

2. Eggplant vegetable chips

The eggplant is a little challenge for the hobby cook.  These vegetables easily lose their consistency when heated, which is why they become soft. Therefore, to get better results, we should drain them first.


  • 2 cups of diced eggplant (160 g)
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 1 onion
  • 2 spoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 1 spoonful of cumin powder (15 g)
  • 2 minced garlic cloves (7 g)


  1. First cut the onion into cubes and moisten them with olive oil and a little pepper and cumin powder.
  2. Then spread the eggplant cubes on a baking sheet and sprinkle them with salt. Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  3. Chop the parsley and add the crushed cloves of garlic and a pinch of pepper.
  4. After another 15 minutes, pour the onion pieces, crushed garlic, and salt over the eggplant cubes.
  5. Let them bake in the oven at 170ºC for 25 minutes.  Halfway through the baking time, turn the cubes with a fork so that they brown evenly.
  6. Now the time has come: out of the oven and up on the table!

3. Vegetable chips with broccoli

Vegetable chips made from broccoli

As we mentioned before, you can also deep-fry the chips in oil. You need larger quantities for this, but in the following recipe we reduce that a little. This will make the chips crispy and brown, but not as greasy.


  • 4 cups broccoli (320 g)
  • 3 spoons of vegetable oil (45 ml)
  • 2 spoons of oatmeal (30 g)
  • 1 pinch of spice powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs


  1. Beat the eggs first until you get a smooth mixture, like you would for an omelette.
  2. Now pour the oil into a hot pan and wait.
  3. Bread the broccoli with oatmeal.
  4. Now repeat the process with the eggs.
  5. Sprinkle the chips with seasoning powder, salt, and pepper.
  6. Now fry each piece of broccoli in the pan, making sure that both sides are fried.
  7. The broccoli chips should turn crispy brown.
  8. When they’re ready, you can take them off the stove and let them cool a little (but not too long). Good Appetite!

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