Simply Plant Sage At Home

You can use seeds or cuttings. It is enough to water the plant once a week. Choose a sunny, sheltered place!

Simply plant sage at home

With Sage is a widespread, aromatic plant that has very many healing properties and is used since ancient times.

The Latin word for sage , “Salvia” is equated with health and improves  general well-being, especially in women.

Essential sage oil has been used for period pain for a long time, it has a relaxing effect and can be tonic when drunk as a tea.

In addition, one should not forget that it works especially well with menopausal  symptoms and can combat all related symptoms such as insomnia, subsequent sweating and nervousness.

So if you have it at home, you can count yourself lucky. We therefore recommend that you plant this herb and enjoy it with tea or as a bath additive.

Ready to Learn More About Planting Sage?

Tips for growing sage


Many see sage as the “king of the family” among aromatic plants. The Romans called this a sacred plant because of its numerous health-promoting properties.

Sage has beautiful reddish flowers and while adapting to any type of soil,  don’t forget that this plant is native to the Mediterranean and therefore thrives best in  dry, chalky soils.

Can you plant sage in a flower pot? In any case, you should, however, choose a wide pot with plenty of earth  to achieve good results. We’ll explain how to do this below.

What do I need to plant sage?

  • The flower pot should be 30 to 40 cm high. The plant needs a lot of space and also has long roots.
  • Ready- to- plant sage seeds and cuttings can be found in flower shops or herb shops .
  • We recommend cuttings, as the seeds must first be planted in a small flower pot until they germinate.
  • Sage needs a lot of light as well as warmth. The plant prefers rather dry soil, so the plant is recommended on the terrace or balcony. Don’t water them too often!
  • Choose nutrient-rich soil, preferably with clay,  once a month you can fertilize the soil with organic and mineral substrates.
  • Sage is best planted in spring  so that it blooms in warm summer. 
  • As mentioned earlier, the seed is first planted in a small pot. The cutting can then be transferred to a larger pot.
  • Put a few stones on the bottom of the flower pot so that the water can drain off well.
  • Fill the flower pot with soil and use organic fertilizers (containing potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus) so the plant can grow well.
  • The roots of the seedling are completely covered with soil, they should then be as deep as possible.
  • Watering once a week is sufficient.
  • It is important  to protect the plant from the wind and to place it in a sunny place. 
  • Experts recommend harvesting the sage leaves before the plant flowers. The twigs are dried in a cool, dark place and then stored in a jar until used.

    Which complaints can sage tea or a sage bath help with?



    Sage helps with the following ailments:

    • gastritis
    • Sweating (for example, during menopause or night sweats)
    • Digestive problems
    • Sage has a cleansing and detoxifying effect, which is why it also helps to achieve a flatter stomach.
    • Flatulence
    • Gingivitis (for gargling)
    • fever
    • Vitamin deficiency (sage contains many nutrients as well as vitamins B and C)
    • Immune system problems
    • Headache and abdominal pain during menstruation

    In which cases should you avoid using sage?

    • With renal insufficiency,
    • during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

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