The CaCo Method For Losing Weight: Find Out More About It!

With the CaCo method you can gently start exercising after a long break. You will lose weight more easily, strengthen your muscles and improve your well-being. Today we introduce you to this method. 

The CaCo method for losing weight: learn more about it!

The CaCo method is a healthy alternative to improve your physical condition and make it easier to lose weight. The risk of injury is relatively low, which is why this technique is particularly suitable after a long break in sports. People who have too little stamina for more strenuous activities can also benefit from it.

But what is the CaCo method and what are its advantages? Read on, we’ll explain what it’s about.

What is the CaCo method?

The name of this method comes from Spanish: the first syllable is derived from “caminar” (to walk) and the second from “correr” (to run). So it’s about combining walking and running at intervals.

What is the CaCo method?
The combination of walking and running is an excellent way to do some gentle exercise.

What are the advantages of the CaCo method?

If, after a long time, you have regained the courage  to start  exercising, or if you normally exercise regularly but have taken a break, the CaCo method is very beneficial.

A good physical condition  improves the cardiovascular system, which has a positive effect on the heart and lungs,  which adapt to the intensity of the exercises in order to supply the organism with sufficient blood and oxygen.

Muscles, ligaments and the entire musculoskeletal system also stay healthy if you adapt the sporting activities to your individual requirements. It is important not to train too intensively at the beginning and not to ask too much of yourself. This could have negative consequences and increase the risk of ligament, muscle, dizziness, or other effects.

If you improve your lifestyle or start exercising again after a long break, you should therefore slowly increase the rhythm in  order to be able to efficiently promote the cardiovascular system and blood circulation. This can also reduce the risk of injury.

What is the best way to start with the CaCo method?

Before starting any physical activity, you should warm up your body. Warm-up exercises protect you from injuries of various kinds.  After that, you can start walking and running in your chosen environment.

The rhythm shouldn’t be too strenuous at first. In the first few days, it is best to keep alternating: walking for 1 minute, running for 1 minute. The workout should last a total of 20 to 30 minutes.

Gradually you can then increase the intensity. For example, it is advisable to run for 2 minutes and walk for 3 minutes. Then you turn the numbers around: run for 3 minutes, walk for 2 minutes. And so you gradually increase.

For  these exercises to be even more effective, you should be dynamic when walking. This means that you don’t just walk there, but walk as quickly as possible. Your arms and back will help you!

What is the best way to start with the CaCo method?
To gradually get your body used to exercise again, it is best to start gently and then slowly increase the intensity of the exercises.

The advantages of this method

Starting exercise after a long period of time has numerous health benefits. If you also pay attention to a healthy diet, success is guaranteed! Stay constant to benefit from the following positive effects:

  • Strengthening muscles
  • Fat loss
  • Better mood
  • Less stress, anxiety and tension
  • Better lung capacity

If you train  persistently and responsibly, your physical capacities improve. Adjust your rhythm to your requirements and protect yourself from possible injuries that could be very uncomfortable.

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