Recipes For Delicious Roulades

Roulades have a somewhat old-fashioned image and are often served on festive occasions. Try the classic!

Recipes for delicious roulades

Roulades are part of home-style cooking and like to end up on the family lunch menu instead of the Sunday roast.

Unfortunately, in today’s generation of family mothers, they have lost some of their importance and are being prepared less and less. Why actually?

Not all roulades are created equal!

Roulades are traditionally made from thin slices of beef, but they can just as easily be made from other meat or fish and even vegetables.

As the name suggests, roulades are a dish in which the ingredients are cooked rolled together.

Today we present three different recipes for roulades, each of which is delicious in itself and should not only be served for Sunday dinner.

Roulades are easy to store and reheat in the sauce or stock. Even freezing the finished cooked rolls is not a problem, so you can write to stock cooking!

Prepare the roulades

Classic beef roulade

The classic recipe is served with potatoes or dumplings and served with a strong sauce. Red wine rounds off the dish if you like. A family of four is cooked with the following ingredients:

  • 4 beef roulades (pre-cut by the butcher)
  • 2 onions
  • 2 pickles
  • 8 slices of bacon
  • 2 tbsp mustard
  • 1 carrot
  • ½ celeriac
  • ½ stick of leek
  • 250ml red wine
  • 250ml beef stock or meat broth
  • Pepper, salt, flour

Cut the onions in half and then into crescent-shaped slices. Halve the pickles lengthways. Cut the remaining vegetables into bite-sized pieces.

Pat the meat dry with kitchen paper and lay out the slices flat. Then spread a thin layer of mustard on one side and lay two strips of bacon flat on top.

Place the halved pickle on the bacon onion slices and on one of the short sides of the meat. Then, starting with the cucumber, roll up the roulade tightly and tie it with kitchen twine like a package so that it cannot fall apart.

Sear the roulades in a braising pan or roasting pan and take them out of the pan. Clarified butter is good for this, but frying oil is also possible.

Fry the remaining vegetables. Then pour some red wine on the lightly browned vegetables and let them cook until the vegetables are almost dry.

Repeat this process until the quarter liter of wine is used up and the vegetables are very dark brown.

Then deglaze with meat stock and put the roulades in the stock. Braise in the oven at about 160 ° C for about 90 minutes and occasionally add a little liquid.

The longer the roulades stew, the more tender and soft the meat will be.

Before serving, remove the meat and use a little flour to thicken the stock into a sauce.

delicious roulades

Minced meat rolls with bacon

The bacon makes these minced meat rolls particularly crispy and spicy. They are prepared faster than classic roulades. For 4 people you need:

  • 400g mixed minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 2 eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Pepper salt
  • 8 slices of bacon (or more)

    Mix the minced meat with the diced onion and eggs and knead in the eggs. Add enough breadcrumbs so that you can shape the mixture well.

    Season with pepper and salt and form four meat rolls from the meat mixture. Lay out two slices of bacon on the long side, slightly overlapping, and roll up the chopping roll.

    Seal the bacon casing with toothpicks and place the meat rolls with this side down in hot frying fat.

    Fry the meatloaf all over until crispy and serve fresh from the pan to enjoy the crispy shell with a cracking crunch.

    Cabbage for roulades

    Cabbage wrap

    This is by no means a vegetarian version of the classic. For four people you need the following ingredients:

    • 1 cabbage (savoy cabbage or white cabbage)
    • 500g mixed minced meat
    • 1 onion
    • 1 egg
    • Breadcrumbs
    • 100g diced bacon
    • 1 / 2l meat broth
    • 1 cup of cream
    • Pepper, salt, cayenne pepper
    • 1 tbsp mustard

    Chop the onions into small cubes and use the minced meat, onion cubes, egg and breadcrumbs to make a malleable dough. Season with pepper, salt, mustard and cayenne pepper.

    Meanwhile, bring salted water to a boil in a saucepan and prepare a bowl of ice water.

    Then find eight particularly beautiful large leaves from the head of cabbage and blanch them in boiling water and dip them in ice water as soon as the thick central rib is soft.

    Then lay out the cabbage leaves flat and distribute the minced meat mixture evenly over the cabbage leaves. Then wrap these into roulades and bundle them together.

    Leave out the bacon cubes in a pan and fry the cabbage wraps in the fat all around until brown. Then pour the meat stock on top and let everything simmer, covered, for at least 30 minutes.

    At the end, take out the cabbage wrap and let the stock and cream reduce into a sauce.

    Good Appetite!

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