Unsolved Problems Come Back To You

If you don’t face your problems, they will exist when you finally close the chapter. Everything you don’t solve in life comes back to you.

Unsolved problems come back to you

We tend to avoid difficult and hurtful situations,  turn our backs on fear, and flee from what we fear most. However, unsolved problems  come back to you at some point in life.

It’s not good to shoot your eyes and pretend nothing has happened. The circumstances that preoccupy us the most are the ones that we need to resolve.

How can we do that? We have to face these things and use  our fear as motivation to overcome them.

Unsolved problems come back

Man bears his head in the sand because he has unsolved problems

Unsolved problems that you try to ignore and that you fear will come back double and triple. Life is telling you that it can’t be done that way.

If you are not careful and do not solve the problems,  the next time you will experience something similar, only to a greater extent.

Let’s look at a few examples:

Ana is 37 and all of her romantic relationships end up badly. She suffered from infidelity, exploitation, and lack of interest from her partner in the relationship.

What’s Ana’s problem?

Ana starts her relationships and is afraid of being abandoned, which is why she starts relationships that she actually doesn’t want. She is afraid of being alone and  as long as it is, her relationships will be sterile.

Paul is 28 and can’t find a job. He’s had a few jobs, but only for a few months at a time, some even for days. When he goes for an interview, he is almost never called back.

Paul’s problem is that he is afraid of failure. As long as that doesn’t change, he is unlikely to be successful in his job search, as unsolved problems haunt him.

Our attitude towards life is very important. When we have problems, fears, or traumatic experiences that cause some kind of blockage in an area of ​​life, it gets us into trouble.

What’s the point of running away?

Face your fear, unsolved problems will catch up with you

When you know all of this, ask yourself what’s the point of running away. Running away from something you’re afraid of is nothing more than postponing something that affects you and won’t go away on its own.

Unresolved problems exist until you face them.  The more you avoid it, the greater the impact the problems will have on your life!

Hence, it is a counterproductive attitude to flee. However, it is also not easy to face fears.

What can you do?

  • Admit that you are scared:  you flee, you ignore it, but do you also deny it? Accepting fear is the first important step.
  • Find out where the problem is coming from:  Try to remember when it first occurred and what caused it.
  • Think objectively about your fear:  Now is the time to look at your problem from the outside and ask yourself, “What is the worst that can happen?”.
  • Throw yourself into the adventure: facing your  greatest fears is an experience in itself, a real adventure. Will you avoid this experience?

    Are you ready to change your perspective on unsolved problems?

    Man has unsolved problems and holds on to red balloons

    Once you understand that it hurts to look into an open wound for a long time, it is time to stop. Face your problems without fear, even if you know it will be difficult.

    Unsolved problems that keep getting worse  show you that you must not ignore them, or the wound will continue to grow. 

    All of these will help you focus on, pay attention to, and heal the wound.

    It is important that the wound heal completely and cease to be an open wound. You can’t drag around with you a thing that has at some point aroused fear in you.

    Fear warns us of an imminent danger that we must do something about. There are two options: escape or attack.

    When we start to carry this fear on our shoulders, it can limit our lives and cause great pain. It is time to act!

    Remember that unresolved issues will come back to you multiple times. This is not bad luck or bad karma.

    It’s up to your hands to deal with it. How? You have to be brave and look fear in the eyes.

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