These Foods Promote Cellulite

Cellulite is not a disease or pain, but it is a cosmetic problem that many women suffer from.

These foods promote cellulite

Cellulite is not a disease or pain, but it is a cosmetic problem that many women suffer from. Certain foods also  promote cellulite. 

We have therefore put together a list of foods for you that you should better avoid.

Women in particular  suffer from cellulite,  which can appear at an early age. The reasons for this are obesity, hormone fluctuations or genetic predisposition. Metabolic disorders, lack of exercise or unhealthy habits can also lead to this.

Cellulite could also indicate a poorly functioning lymphatic system, fluid retention, and inflammatory diseases.

Diet also plays a fundamental role in this. The following foods  promote cellulite,  so you should better avoid them.

certain foods promote cellulite

What causes cellulite?

In the case of cellulite, also known colloquially as orange peel, fat cells penetrate the subcutaneous tissue into the upper layers of the skin and then become visible as dents.

In addition, pollutants and liquids are stored in the tissue.

Risk factors

Usually different factors play together:

  • Overweight or obesity
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Tight clothing that hinders the circulation
  • An unbalanced diet
  • Sudden hormonal changes (puberty, pregnancy, or menopause)
  • Water retention
  • Taking oral contraceptives

Symptoms of Cellulite

Worsen cellulite: thighs

Further consequences are:

  • Loss of skin elasticity
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Dry skin and visible pits
  • Wrinkled appearance

These foods promote cellulite

Certain foods help detoxify your body, which has a positive effect on the complexion. But others promote cellulite:  These include, for example, unhealthy fat, sugar and chemical additives.

Avoid the following foods as much as possible:

1. Processed meat

certain foods like sausage promote cellulite

Processed meat and sausage products contain unhealthy fat, sodium and other additives that, among other things,  damage blood circulation. 

With regular consumption, lipids can be deposited in the arteries. In addition, fluid is stored in the tissue and you gain weight.

Therefore, avoid the following products so that the cellulite does not get worse:

  • cold cuts
  • ham
  • Sausages
  • bacon

2. Dairy products

Make cellulite worse: dairy products

There’s no denying that dairy products contain good nutrients. However, due to their high concentration of saturated fats, it is better to avoid them to reduce cellulite.

3. Dressings and sauces

Aggravate cellulite: dressing

Store-bought dressings and sauces usually contain unhealthy ingredients that  promote the accumulation of fat and water in the body.

You should therefore avoid the following products:

  • mayonnaise
  • Ketchup
  • mustard
  • Soy sauces
  • Dark sauce

4. Coffee and soft drinks

Coffee and other drinks promote cellulite

Coffee and various soft drinks contain a lot of caffeine, which has a stimulating effect, but can also damage the skin.

This can impair the  oxygen supply to the tissue. Caffeine also promotes sagging skin and cellulite.

  • Rather drink water, herbal tea, and sugar-free juices.

5. White flour

Worsen cellulite: bread products

White flour and products made from it contain carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. They favor the storage of fat, excess weight and cellulite.

6. Sugar and candy

Worsen cellulite: sweets

Sugar tastes good in many recipes, but it is addicting! It can also make cellulite worse. 

This also has a negative impact on the  blood sugar level and metabolism. Avoid it as much as possible!

Trying to fight orange peel? Then you should avoid these foods whenever possible because they  promote cellulite.  There are lots of healthy alternatives! 

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