Coriander: Spice With Healing Properties

Coriander has many health-promoting properties. You too can use the healing effects! 

Coriander: a spice with medicinal properties

Coriander is a wonderful spice with medicinal properties. This herb is particularly popular in Asian cuisine and is therefore also known as “Chinese parsley”. These two herbs also look very similar on the outside.

The whole plant is edible and gives many dishes a distinctive taste. It is one of the oldest spices in the world, which was already very popular in ancient Egypt.

The exact origin is unknown, but it is believed that coriander is native to North Africa and southern Europe. In summer this medicinal plant can be recognized by its white flowers. It also stands out for its light citrus aroma. 

This medicinal  spice shines with an abundance of nutrients, including the following:

  • zinc
  • calcium
  • iron
  • phosphorus
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • Vitamin A
  • vitamin B
  • vitamin C
  • Vitamin K

All of these vital substances give the tasty aromatic plant wonderful health-promoting properties and great healing power. Coriander has a stimulating, antispasmodic, dehydrating and antibacterial effect. This aromatic spice can also be of great use in diseases such as salmonella, diabetes or infections caused by bacteria.

Spice with healing properties: 7 convincing advantages

1. The healing properties of coriander against high cholesterol levels

Coriander has healing properties against high cholesterol levels

Coriander is very useful for  lowering cholesterol. It contains polyphenolic flavonoids with antioxidant effects, for example quercetin, kaempferol, rhamnetin and apigenin.

These botanicals not only lower cholesterol, they also have many other benefits:

  • Blood purification
  • Cleansing the blood vessels
  • better heart health
  • Prevention against a stroke
  • improved blood circulation throughout the body
  • reduced risk of cardiovascular disease

2. Use the healing properties of coriander against diabetes

In particular, the fresh coriander leaves and stems are very effective against diabetes, as they stimulate the  pancreas,  which has the following advantages:

  • Lower insulin sensitivity
  • increased production of insulin
  • Insulin functions are improved
  • lower sugar intake
  • Regulation of blood sugar levels

3. Coriander for weight loss

Use the healing properties of coriander to lose weight

Coriander has a strong dehydrating effect, which  has many advantages for the body: 

  • Purification of the body
  • Drainage of liquids stored in the tissue
  • improved elimination of residues, toxins and heavy metals
  • satiating effect
  • better absorption of necessary vitamins and nutrients
  • Prevention of gastrointestinal complaints such as constipation or diarrhea.

All of these benefits also facilitate weight loss. People who want to lose weight should therefore regularly include coriander in their diet.

4. Coriander against salmonella

Salmonella infection can occur through various infected foods, but it can also occur through domestic animals (especially reptiles such as snakes, turtles or lizards).

The most common symptoms of salmonellosis are:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • Nausea
  • a headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • stomach pain
  • Muscle pain all over the body

In this case, the healing properties of coriander are based on its  antibiotic effects, which can effectively combat salmonella poisoning. This inhibits the growth of the bacteria, they are weakened and die.

As a precaution, many people who have contact with patients with salmonellosis prepare dishes with a lot of coriander (soups and broths). Don’t forget to use  fresh, well-washed leaves for this. 

5. Coriander against bad breath

Medicinal effect against bad breath

Like mint, coriander can  effectively fight bad breath (halitosis). Other complaints in the mouth area (aphthae, ulcers or other injuries) can also be treated with this medicinal herb.

The antibacterial properties are also of great use here.

6. Natural anti-inflammatory agent

Coriander is also powerful anti-inflammatory. This is due to the fact that this medicinal spice is rich in botanicals and antioxidants. This can relieve rheumatoid arthritis, for example, as the swelling in the joints is reduced.

7. Coriander for flu

Man and woman use coriander to treat flu

Coriander not only has an antibacterial effect, it also contains vitamins A and C and is characterized by its expectorant properties – a perfect medicinal herb against colds and flu. 

Coriander is particularly popular in Venezuela. Typical Venezuelan dishes cannot be imagined without this spice with medicinal properties. It is also valued as a medicinal herb for a wide variety of uses.

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