Interesting Facts About Cabin Syndrome

For some people it is difficult to go back to the street or to work after the long exit restrictions. They would prefer not to go outside at all. We’re talking about Cabin Syndrome today, read on to find out more about it.

Interesting facts about Cabin Syndrome

The  Cabin syndrome  is a prolonged direct consequences output restrictions, such as we have experienced during the corona crisis. After the relaxation, some people find it difficult to get back to everyday life. They suffer from anxiety and become very nervous at the thought of leaving the house.

Cabin syndrome is a fear of leaving one’s surroundings or comfort zone, although there are many benefits to doing so. This situation is aggravated as COVID-19 is not yet under control; on the contrary, new clusters are constantly being identified. The  majority are pleased to be able to move relatively freely again, while others prefer not to leave their homes.

Cabin syndrome is not a mental disorder

Experts point out that Cabin Syndrome can lead to a nervous crisis, depressive states, negative or irrational thoughts that have a significant impact on the lives of those affected.

How does cabin syndrome develop?

How does cabin syndrome develop?
Cabin syndrome occurs when the brain gets used to a certain environment in which people spend long periods of time.

The first cases of this syndrome, also known as  cabin fever  , were documented in the United States of America at the beginning of the 20th century. Researchers found that people who lived in isolated areas for several months or, for example, in a lighthouse, developed very specific symptoms and characteristics.

These symptoms are grouped together under the name Cabin Syndrome. The reason for this is that  the brain gets used to a specific environment in which those affected live for a long period of time.

This environment becomes part of the person who isolates himself from the rest of the world. We all know that the unknown or things that just don’t interest us can make us nervous.

Cabin syndrome: characteristic symptoms

Cabin syndrome can take different forms for everyone, but the most common symptoms are  lethargy and nervousness. The following complaints also occur:

  • Greater tiredness
  • Increased need for sleep (hypersomnia)
  • Numbness in extremities
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Memory problems
  • Negative thoughts
  • Difficulty experimenting with pleasant emotions
  • Lack of motivation
  • sadness
  • Afraid of leaving the house
  • nervousness
  • Big appetite
  • Desire for specific foods to control anxiety
Woman with Cabin Syndrome
People with cabin syndrome usually sleep very long. Even so, they still feel tired when they wake up.

What can you do?

Behavioral scientists and psychologists  can help people with Cabin Syndrome: They have to learn to gradually overcome their fears. This syndrome is very similar to other behaviors that have been extensively studied by psychologists and psychiatrists. In most cases, therapy is very effective.

For those who feel able to overcome cabin syndrome on their own, we have a few more tips:

  • Gradually face everyday life:  The feelings that arise after a long time at home (or in another restricted space) are quite normal and not due to a psychological disorder. Those affected should give themselves time to gradually go a little further, take a short walk and gradually return to everyday life and leave the house for longer.
  • Routine:  It is best to create a schedule with various activities and set sleep times. You shouldn’t sleep any longer than necessary. It is also not advisable to spend too long sitting or in a comfortable armchair. Also, eat a healthy diet and exercise to improve your general wellbeing. 

As soon as the general situation normalizes again and contacts without social distance are possible, since there is no longer any risk of infection, people with Cabin Syndrome will feel safe again. However, if the fears and nervousness are very great, the support of a psychologist is very helpful and important. 

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