Some Small Coincidences Change Your Life

A healthy attitude and openness to the opportunities that life offers us again and again is extremely important in order to be able to enjoy them. Otherwise, we will miss all of these opportunities.

Some small coincidences change your life

Again and again you hear that coincidence doesn’t really exist.

Sociologists and numerous other scientists try to convince us that life is not a chain of coincidences, not a game of dice, on the outcome of which we have no influence.

Instead, it seems that everyone reaps what they sow. And as it is when growing fruits, we are constantly learning new things in life.

Ultimately, we may have to be content with not being able to find out whether chance , fate, prediction, or past deeds determine our happiness. Everyone can choose their own belief.

What we do know, however, is that coincidence – we would just like to call it that in this article, but we could also speak of life – sometimes gives us great surprises, a lot of joy and happiness.

Today we invite you to think a little about chance and life with us.

Coincidences, circumstances and the green wave

Magic and chance

Our life is like a book, the story of which we write every day. In every moment of our life the pen moves over his paper. A good book needs tension, happiness, sadness, fear, joy. But whose hand is the pen?

Anyone who deals a little with the subject will quickly find that many scientists, but above all physicists, no longer speak of coincidence here, but of the circumstances.

Those circumstances always surround us. We perceive some, others do not. Everything that surrounds us can be traced back to the sum of our previous actions. If we had behaved differently, the world would look different now.

Are you staying home today or visiting a friend? And who knows who you will meet on the way? Are you going to buy a few more pieces of cake along the way? Do you give the change to an animal shelter or do you buy a lottery ticket? And maybe…

We believe that chance exists. But sometimes you have to give him a little help. If you never buy a lottery ticket, you will never win.

Coincidence or Reality?

Carl Gustav Jung coined the interesting term synchronicity. This is about a series of events that follow one another but do not condition one another. Like a green wave, maybe. Or a red one.

But we would like to give you another example. The actor Anthony Hopkins was proposed to participate in the film “The Petrovka Girl”.

This is a story based on a book that was nowhere to be found. It was sold out in all bookstores. The actor, who has always been very careful about his work, very much regretted that he could not prepare his role better. He would have liked to read the book.

The days passed and one morning in New York he made his way to the metro. At the bus stop he sat on a bench to wait for the train. And there someone had forgotten a book: “The Petrovka Girl”. This is a great example of synchronicity.

For Jung, such coincidences, circumstances and synchronicity could be explained with quantum physics, but also with our mind and the environment in which we find ourselves.

That coincidence that brings us so much happiness

Bridge and Chance

All the others who we don’t understand anything about quantum physics and who would probably give up quickly even in philosophical discussions about fate, happiness and spirit, we just wish for a little luck in our lives.

We should therefore think about the following dimensions at this point:

Chance works better with a positive attitude

Of all that you wear, the most important thing is your attitude.

Because only your attitude gives you the strength you need to cope with your everyday life, to go out on the street and smile at passers-by, to perceive all the beautiful things in your environment and to be able to face challenges with optimism.

If we are not open to recognize and receive the happy coincidences, to oppose the world defensively and even negatively, then we will get that back.

If you don’t want to see the good around you, you shouldn’t complain that there are so many bad things. Such a life is comparable to a journey through a tunnel, at the end of which we can see a light – but we do not see what is happening in the world around us.

The pillar of self-love

What does self-love have to do with chance? A lot. If you lack self-love, you drift in the flow, you let yourself be carried along by your fellow human beings on their way and live your life according to their rhythm. Then it is also people who influence chance.


It is necessary to take your life into your own hands. This requires a healthy dose of self-love, self-esteem, and determination.

It is only you who knows what works and what doesn’t: choose your path, change direction if you want to. And if you want to climb that little steep path, do it!

Don’t be afraid of uncertainty

Somehow we all feel the need to be in control of our lives. Our brain doesn’t like uncertainty and spontaneity.

However, we must also be aware that there are things in our lives that we cannot influence or predict with certainty. Because chance is part of our life. And with chance comes uncertainty.

And here, not in every aspect of our being, you have to be able to let yourself drift. But don’t throw the oar away, because when the rapids are over, it’s you again who determines the direction.

A healthy attitude, hopes and illusions, an oar and a few rapids, a well-developed sense of self-worth – all of these are important ingredients for our happiness.

And if we go through our life with these characteristics, then at some point chance will bring us something positive.

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