Natural Colon Cleansing: This Is How It’s Done

Cleansing the colon is very important so that the organism can function properly. Otherwise, pollutants will accumulate in the body that have a negative impact on health.

Natural colon cleansing: this is how it's done

Improper nutrition causes more and more people to suffer from intestinal problems, especially in the end part of the large intestine, the colon. Natural colon cleansing: this is how it’s done.

Therefore, a natural colon cleansing is recommended from time to time to remove residual and pollutants that have accumulated in it.

In today’s post you will learn how to do a natural colon  cleanse . 

The colon

At the end of the large intestine is the colon, also called the colon. All residues migrate through this section of the intestine, the task of which is very simple. However, the problem with this is poor diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. 

Why? With this we force the intestine to work more and it gradually becomes weaker. The consequence of this is that it cannot perform its basic function correctly and this leads to malfunctions.

Residues and pollutants accumulate on the intestinal walls and cause various problems, from constipation to difficult digestion, joint pain or headaches.

In chronic cases, this can lead to severe kidney or liver disease.

To keep the colon healthy, it is important to watch your diet and consume adequate fiber.

In addition, a natural colon cleanse is recommended a few times a year to remove the accumulated residues from the intestines. 
We recommend that you do the colon cleansing over the weekend or on vacation when you have time to be at home.

Apples for a natural colon cleansing

apple-for-colon cleansing

Colon cleansing can be a somewhat uncomfortable process because it involves frequent use of the toilet.

But when the intestines are clean and healthy, you will feel much better and can thus prevent various diseases and ailments.
During the entire process, you need to  drink plenty of water to regulate the fluid balance and at the same time promote the elimination of residues. 
We recommend drinking between 6 and 8 glasses (about 2 liters of water) throughout the day.
Start with the first glass of water immediately after getting up on an empty stomach, you can add a squirt of lemon to activate the metabolism.
The apple is one of the best means for cleansing the colon.


That’s why we recommend a three-day diet in which you consume large quantities of apples. You can eat different types of food so that it doesn’t get quite so boring.
You can eat this fruit with or without the peel, whole or as a juice to remove pollutants.
  • After drinking the lemon water in the morning, drink  a glass of freshly made apple juice for breakfast.
  • Then you drink another glass of water. Repeat this procedure until you have drunk a total of 4 glasses of apple juice and 4 glasses of water throughout the day.

The bowel movements get going because apples contain pectin, a fiber that promotes the elimination of harmful substances.

You can do this treatment over a weekend as an “introduction” to colon cleansing, but after that you must follow the recommended diet for 72 hours.

Consider the following steps.

  • Eat as many apples as you want (raw, without any ingredients).
  • Take a tablespoon of olive oil in the morning after you get up and in the evening before you go to bed.
  • Drink at least 3 liters of water throughout the day (half an hour before and half an hour after eating the apples).
  • Don’t eat any other foods during the three days.
  • At the end of this regimen, you can eat light foods high in fiber (soups, raw vegetables, fruits, etc.). But don’t forget to drink plenty of water every day!

Since this is a very strict regimen,  you shouldn’t do it more than three to four times a year  (or every three to four months).

Colon cleansing with salt

salt-for-colon cleansing

This method is also effective in cleansing the intestines. However, people with high blood pressure or kidney problems should not take this regimen. 

Natural colon cleansing lasts for a day. You should stay at home and not make any exertion or abrupt movements that day.

Follow these steps:

  • When you get up you boil a glass of water (200 ml) and add a tablespoon of sea salt (10 g). Then let the mixture cool down so as not to burn yourself while drinking. Drink the saline solution slowly.
  • You may have a headache or nausea, this is normal.
  • If necessary, lie down in bed and massage your stomach gently.

Wait a few minutes (or up to an hour) quietly in bed or on the couch, reading a book, or watching TV, until you feel the need to go to the bathroom. This process is repeated several times a day.

During the day you can eat light meals:  vegetable soup, natural juices and herbal teas. Under no circumstances should you eat fried foods, white flour, or sugar.

Repeat salt water intake at lunchtime and in the afternoon. It is best to stay home all weekend long as you will hike to the bathroom more often.

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