5 Effective Fruits For Weight Loss

Different types of fruit can help you lose weight if consumed correctly. In addition, the contained active ingredients improve general health.

5 effective fruits for weight loss

Types of fruit for weight loss. Losing weight and then maintaining the weight is often a difficult endeavor.

Stress, the so-called yo-yo effect or different lifestyle habits can cause you to quickly gain back the pounds you lost.

The most important goal is that you lose weight in a healthy way and then learn to maintain the weight through certain habits.

But how can this be achieved? Genetic predisposition, lack of time to prepare healthy dishes and other factors are the main enemies in achieving the desired goal.

In today’s post we recommend different types of fruit to help you  lose weight.

These are healthy and useful, but one also needs to know exactly how these fruits should be consumed. Read on to learn more about it.

1. Fruits for weight loss: lemon

We have talked about the benefits of lemon many times. This citrus fruit is also highly recommended for weight loss:

  • Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, which also promotes liver health.
  • A healthy liver then means the optimal metabolism of fats. In addition, food can then be digested better and the nutrients can be absorbed well.
  • The lemon cleanses the organism  and also discharges pollutants through the urine.
  • This citrus has a filling effect and then helps with constipation.

What is the best way to consume lemon to lose weight?

  • Start the day with a glass of lukewarm water and the juice of one lemon.
  • Use lemon juice to marinate salads as well.

2. Strawberries for a slim line

Strawberries don’t necessarily have to be served with cream or high-calorie desserts. In the right combination, they can provide excellent support for weight loss.

Then we’ll explain why.

  • Strawberries are low in sugar, but high in calories. 
  • In addition, they have a dehydrating effect and also contain very effective antioxidants.
  • Fluid retention can also be combated with it.
  • Strawberries are high in fiber, which also helps relieve constipation.
  • They also have a filling effect.
  • Not to mention the anti-inflammatory properties of this delicious fruit.

    What are the best ways to consume strawberries to lose weight?

    • Strawberry water: Put 10 strawberries in one liter of water and then some lemon juice.
    • A salad with spinach, strawberries and nuts also tastes delicious and helps with healthy weight loss.

    3. Green apple – excellent for digestive health

    All apples are beneficial to health. However, green apples are particularly rich in phenolic acid and flavonoids,  which help regulate blood sugar levels.

    In addition, they are characterized by the following advantages:

    • Green apples are rich in antioxidants.
    • They regulate bad cholesterol (LDL).
    • The metabolism can also be activated with it.
    • At the same time, green apples help  with fat loss. 

    What is the best way to incorporate apples into your diet?

    • It’s best to eat a whole apple every morning, if possible with the peel (organic quality!).
    • A mixed drink with green apple and oatmeal is also highly recommended.

    4. Blueberries are excellent for losing weight

    Blueberries contain valuable nutrients and only a few calories. 10 to 20 blueberries a day are enough to supply the body with vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants.

    • Blueberries contain insoluble fiber that helps digestion.
    • In addition, they are rich in tannins, which then have a strong astringent effect.
    • It should not be forgotten that you can eat as much of these small fruits  as you want.  They have a filling effect and can then be used in a variety of ways.

    How can you consume blueberries to lose weight?

    • For breakfast in combination with other fruits.
    • In natural mixed drinks.
    • Blueberries are also delicious in salads.

    5. Pomegranates for your health

    Pomegranates have a strong antioxidant effect. They improve blood flow to the heart and help keep  arteries free of fatty deposits. 

    • Pomegranates are available in autumn, so it is worth waiting for the season to get all the benefits.
    • Consuming pomegranates can prevent fat from building up in the abdominal area.
    • This fruit is high in fiber, has anti-inflammatory properties, and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL).

    How to incorporate pomegranates into your eating plan to reduce weight?

    • Eat this fruit in its natural form.
    • You can also drink pomegranate juice, preferably for breakfast.
    • This fruit also tastes delicious in salads.

    Depending on the season, use the different types of fruit to maintain your health and support weight loss. It is worth it!

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