5 Natural Remedies That Lower Cholesterol

Horsetail tea has diuretic and detoxifying properties and contains antioxidants. Thus, it can help lower cholesterol and improve blood circulation.

5 natural remedies that will lower cholesterol

When cholesterol builds up in the arteries, it is also called hypercholesterolemia,  a common condition in today’s society. Today we are going to introduce you to various remedies that you can use to lower your  cholesterol levels .

Cholesterol is found in many different foods. It is naturally cleared by the liver,  but it is often deposited in the arteries.

Often, the sick do not notice anything for a long time, as there are hardly any abnormalities and warning signals before significant damage has occurred.

The number of people with this condition is increasing and many are disregarding lifestyle recommendations that can prevent the disease.

Doctors and health experts therefore incessantly warn against too much sedentary work and bad eating habits. Avoiding these are the most effective ways to lower high cholesterol.

It is also advisable to use natural remedies that can  help lower your cholesterol levels Here we show you 5 of the best remedies.

1. Lower cholesterol levels with oat bran

Lower cholesterol levels with oat bran

The natural fiber found in oat bran, as well as the antioxidants, are very helpful in fighting bad cholesterol (LDL).

Through the consumption of oat bran cleaning the arteries is supported and lipids are not absorbed by the intestine.


  • 3 teaspoons of oat bran (30 g)
  • 1 cup of water (200 ml)


  • Put the water and oat bran in a blender and process both ingredients well.

    Type of ingestion

    • Take at least 3 times a week, in the morning on an empty stomach.

    2. Lower cholesterol levels with eggplant water

    Eggplant water is low in calories and known worldwide as it supports weight loss.

    But it can do more than that. It is an effective remedy for high cholesterol and other cardiovascular problems.

    Its detoxifying properties help the body eliminate  fats and toxins. This promotes heart and artery health.


    • 1 eggplant
    • Juice of 1 lemon
    • 5 cups of water (1250 ml)


    • Heat water
    • As soon as it boils, add the diced eggplant and lemon juice
    • Let it steep for 1 hour, then drink.

    Type of ingestion

    • Drink 1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach. The rest of the liquid can be drunk in 3 or 4 additional doses throughout the day.

      3. Lower cholesterol levels with horsetail tea

      Lower cholesterol levels with horsetail tea

      Thanks to its detoxifying and antioxidant properties, box ham tea is a good choice for treating high cholesterol.

      It contains vitamins and essential minerals, which support the regeneration of the elastic fibers in the arteries.


      • 1 teaspoon horsetail (10 g)
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


      • Scald the horsetail with boiling water and let it steep for 10 minutes.
      • Strain and serve.

      Type of ingestion

      • Drink 1-2 cups of tea during the day.
      • Repeat this 3 times a week.

      4. Lower the cholesterol level with cabbage water

      Cabbage water is full of fiber and antioxidants, so it prevents bad cholesterol from building up in your arteries. 

      It has a detoxifying effect and removes toxins and lipids, which improves digestion in general and the metabolism.


      • 6 cabbage leaves
      • 3 cups of water (750 ml)


      • Put the cabbage leaves in a saucepan with water and let them simmer for 30 minutes.
      • Then let cool, strain and drink the brew.

      Type of ingestion

      • Drink 1 glass of cabbage water before each meal

      5. Lower cholesterol with parsley tea

      Lower cholesterol with parsley tea

      Regular consumption of parsley tea helps absorb the lipids in the digestive tract. At the same time, this tea helps cleanse the arteries.


      • 1 teaspoon parsley (10 g)
      • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


      • Heat the water and use it to brew the parsley.
      • Let cool down to room temperature, strain and then drink.

      Type of ingestion

      • Drink 1 – 2 cups of parsley tea daily

      Are you worried about your high cholesterol?

      Whether you have been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia or not, take advantage of the beneficial properties of these natural remedies and their preventive capabilities.

      However, always remember that these home remedies are only effective if accompanied by a healthy lifestyle. 

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