Coffee: 3 Healthy Variants

Add some ground cinnamon to your coffee to regulate your blood sugar level and to prevent you from feeling like snacking between meals.

Coffee: 3 healthy options

Coffee:  In the morning it provides us with energy and wakes us up, its aroma smells delicious and is irresistible.

Are you a passionate coffee lover? Then you should read this article. We introduce you to three delicious and healthy variants that you cannot resist.

1. Delicious coffee with cinnamon


Why is coffee with cinnamon healthy?

Cinnamon makes you slim and also helps to regulate the blood sugar level, whereby the insulin level is kept constant and sugar flare-ups are prevented.

This can also prevent the negative consequences. This drink also helps keep your fat balanced if you drink a cup of it every day.

You can also combine the three recipes over the week. All of them have excellent properties and, moreover, taste delicious.


This recipe can be made in several ways :

  • With the coffee machine: Simply add a small teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon (approx. 6 g) and then prepare it as usual. You can then use a tablespoon of honey for sweetening.
  • In a saucepan:  bring a glass of water and a teaspoon of quality coffee (12 g) to a boil with a cinnamon stick. Then sieve and let rest. In a ceramic cup, the drink keeps you warm longer and also retains its good properties. You can sweeten with honey.

2. Delicious green coffee

green coffee

Why is green coffee healthy?

Green coffee is in vogue. The taste is a bit stronger and more sour – but it’s still addicting.

But why is green coffee so healthy? This has a cleansing and strong antioxidant  effect  and can therefore help with various ailments. It also contains chlorogenic acid, which has excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

It is ideal for weight loss and contains many vitamins and nutrients that we can benefit from. Can you resist


The preparation is very simple: Bring 15 grams of green coffee beans  to a boil in a saucepan with around 175 ml of water, then reduce the temperature and cook for another 15 minutes, then let them cool.

In this way all properties are retained. In order to benefit from all the advantages of coffee, it is best to drink 2 cups in the morning.  You will soon feel the beneficial effects.

3. Refreshing coffee with mint

coffee mint

Why is it healthy with mint?

It is excellent for morning headaches, for example. It refreshes, moisturizes and, in combination with mint, is a great natural tonic full of antioxidants.

The taste is tempting, a gift for body and soul that will make you feel good.


  • Prepare your coffee as usual – either in the machine or in a saucepan.
  • Then two drops of peppermint oil  are mixed with a glass of cold water. Peppermint oil is available in supermarkets or health food stores.
  • Then add the coffee, two drops of lemon juice and two ice cubes. If you wish, you can sweeten this drink. This combination is very tasty and also refreshing.

    Which variant do you prefer? Choose how you would like to start the day. Even in the afternoon instead of a snack, all variants are delicious.

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