9 Beneficial Properties Of Cherimoya

Did you know that cherimoya is one of the best fruits for a healthy digestion and at the same time has a filling effect? This fruit is perfect for athletes. It also improves the absorption of nutrients. 

9 beneficial properties of cherimoya

The health-promoting properties of cherimoya,  a fruit from the Peruvian Andes, are still largely unknown in Germany.

The flesh of the heart-shaped cherimoya is sweet and creamy. There are many dark kernels inside, the skin of the fruit is green. As with citrus fruits, the main season of this fruit from the Annonaceae family is autumn and winter.

It is  rich in vitamins (A, B complex and C) and minerals  (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc).

In this article, you will learn more about the health benefits of cherimoya . This fruit should be on your diet regularly.

1. Improving cardiovascular health

Properties of the cherimoya: improve cardiovascular health

The cherimoya contains large amounts of potassium and can therefore make an important contribution to cardiovascular health and also regulate blood pressure. This fruit also contains important antioxidants that help regulate cholesterol levels.

The cherimoya hardly contains any sodium or fat.  This is another reason why this fruit is highly recommended, especially for those with high blood pressure and other heart ailments.

2. Natural antimicrobial properties of the cherimoya

Another benefit of this fruit is that it protects us from parasites.

That’s because the cherimoya contains important fiber, niacin, and cytotoxin. In addition, the light green fruit provides a lot of  vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that supports the defense against infectious diseases. 

3. The cherimoya helps you lose weight

This fruit has a filling effect,  which is ideal if you want to lose weight in a healthy way. In addition, the cherimoya tastes delicious and is excellent for a healthy snack in between.

It is also a healthy alternative as a dessert or during sporting activities. In addition, the sweet fruit is also suitable for anyone who suffers from constipation as it has a laxative effect.

4. Soothing and antidepressant effects

The cherimoya helps regulate the nervous system. This means that it works  similarly to a sedative or anxiolytic –  a home remedy that can be supportive for those with anxiety, depression, or OCD.

The cherimoya also contains an alkaloid that regulates the release of chemicals that can lead to depression.

5. Protection against osteoporosis 

This fruit is characterized by important minerals that are very important in the prevention or treatment of various diseases:

  • The cherimoya provides a lot of iron,  which is beneficial for patients with anemia.
  • It is also rich in calcium and therefore recommended for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • In addition, this fruit also contains phosphorus, which aids memory.

6. Excellent properties of cherimoya for pregnant women

Pregnant women can also benefit from the health benefits of cherimoya. Because, as we have already seen, the delicious fruit provides important nutrients.

Pregnant woman benefits from the properties of the cherimoya

The following nutrients are particularly important for the healthy development of the baby:

  • essential fats
  • Fiber
  • carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins

The cherimoya  supports the development of the brain, nerves and immune system of the fetus.

Regular consumption of this fruit also reduces the risk of miscarriage and nausea during pregnancy. But that’s not all: this fruit also puts you in a good mood and regulates cravings.

7. Digestive properties of cherimoya

The delicious fruit is easy to digest and is therefore particularly recommended for the following ailments:

  • Feeling weak
  • during a hospital stay
  • for digestive problems caused by certain foods
  • in dyspepsia.

Since this fruit is very low in fat but high in fiber,  it also helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and absorb bile acid. This is very helpful for patients with gallbladder problems.

In addition, the cherimoya has a laxative effect. The dietary fiber it contains can promote intestinal transit and improve the intestinal flora.

8. Antioxidant properties of cherimoya

The sweet fruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and polyphenols.

These  help prevent cell oxidation,  which is also associated with diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, it can prevent  premature aging. 

9. Excellent for young children

Pediatricians recommend incorporating this fruit into the diet of young children. They can be pureed or made into juice. Thanks to the many nutrients in cherimoya, it contributes to the healthy development of children.

Also  in the treatment of congenital chronic diseases, this fruit can be very helpful. 

Which parts of the plant are used and what are their properties?

  • Peel: The cooked peel is used as a home remedy for chronic colitis.
  • Seeds: These are useful against dandruff and as an anti-emetic.
  • Roots: Prepared as a tea, these have a strong laxative effect.
  • Leaves: These are also made as a tea to relieve muscle cramps and spasms. In addition, this home remedy works against anemia, colitis and malnutrition.
  • The ripe fruit: You can spoon this out of the skin or puree the pulp. It is used for malnutrition, anemia and weakness.

The cherimoya is an amazing fruit that has been used for various therapeutic properties since ancient times.

The sweet fruit is also suitable for athletes as it  strengthens the muscle system and improves the absorption of nutrients.

However, don’t forget that you shouldn’t overeat this delicious fruit! Although it has numerous health-promoting properties, it also contains a lot of sugar. More than one serving per day is therefore not recommended.

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