What Blue Light Can Do

Computer, television and smartphone screens emit blue light, which has an effect on our body.

What blue light can do

Blue light from electronic devices that accompany our everyday life and usually simplify or facilitate, is absorbed differently by the body than other light colors.

Blue light has effects on the body that, if you know them, you can use them for yourself.

Blue light from nature and electrical appliances

Blue light mainly shines from electrical appliances such as televisions, laptops, computer screens, smartphones and game consoles.

Perhaps you have already noticed that a room with a television can be seen in the dark from the outside through a blue light coming out of the window.

Blue light also occurs in nature, it is part of sunlight and, in the prehistoric times of electricity, ensured that our biorhythm could adapt to the daily rhythm.

So people woke up when the proportion of blue light in the area increased and tired when the day said goodbye with little blue light.

Today’s lifestyle prevents this natural dependence of the body’s own biorhythm according to the rhythm of daylight.

Hand, blue sky and blue light

Effects of light on our body

It sounds absurd, but light also has fundamental effects on our body and affects our health far more than we can usually imagine!

We receive light through our eyes (and also skin) and thus give it the opportunity to control biochemical processes in our body.

One reason for the winter depression that occurs every year is actually a lack of light. On the one hand because the hours with daylight are limited in winter and on the other hand because we avoid being outdoors due to the cold.

Other symptoms of lack of light are

  • an increased need for sleep,
  • an increased appetite and
  • Listlessness.

Bright light has a mood-enhancing effect, as you have probably already noticed. It doesn’t have to be bright sunshine, staying outdoors in full daylight not only clears your head with the fresh air and is noticeably refreshing.

How does blue light work?

Each color of the light spectrum has its own effect on the body.

This may sound esoteric at first, but it has been scientifically researched and proven. Blue light in particular has been the subject of research for a number of years, as it has increasingly found its way into our surroundings.

Blue light has the effect of stopping the release of the sleep hormone melatonin and sending a very clear “Hello, awake!” Signal to the body.

In many professions that require increased concentration at night, experiments are already being carried out with blue light in order to increase awareness and safety.

This is due to the interaction of the two hormones cortisol and melatonin, which are influenced by blue light.

The stress hormone cortisol cannot work properly if the sleep hormone melatonin is released at the same time. Since blue light reduces melatonin production and increases the release of cortisol, the blue light color has an almost stimulating effect.

Use of the blue light color

Due to the properties of blue light, it is also used therapeutically and can help with the following problems:

  • Depression / depressed mood
  • fatigue
  • ADHD
  • Difficulty concentrating

Studies have shown that just 20 minutes under blue light is more stimulating than three cups of coffee.

A walk in the open air, during which you often look at the sky (not the sun!), Can make you much more alert than a short coffee break in the coffee kitchen!

To wake you up in the morning, a so-called daylight lamp can help, especially in winter, which, when placed on the breakfast table, signals your body that it is now time to start the day actively.

blue light disturbs the sleep of men and women in bed

Negative impacts

In nature, the blue light color is intended to wake up or keep the body awake and to release the corresponding hormones.

This can be used for positive health effects, but blue light also has negative effects.

Through the constant use of devices that emit blue light, the body’s natural, light-controlled biorhythm is denied and this can lead to problems. Especially at times of the day when the “Hello awake!” Effect is not desirable.

Checking e-mails on a PC or smartphone before going to bed, using social media or watching the news on TV prevents the release of the sleep hormone melatonin. This reduces the quality of sleep.

It is of course no longer possible these days to get up with sunrise and go to bed with sunset, but for a better quality of sleep you should ensure that you use yellow or reddish light sources in the evening, for example by using such bulbs in your lamps install and refrain from intensive use of devices with blue light.

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