Child-friendly Nutrition In Summer: 7 Tips

With warm summer temperatures and lots of outdoor activities, proper nutrition is also important. Today we have some tips that will be very helpful. 

Child-friendly nutrition in summer: 7 tips

Parents know how important a healthy diet is for their children. We have therefore put together a few nutritional tips for a  child-friendly diet  in summer that are very useful. In the warm season there are many fresh fruits and vegetables that can be prepared in a variety of ways. What else should be considered? Read on if this topic interests you.

1. New types of fruit for child-friendly nutrition

In the summer there are many types of fresh fruit available on the market that  are delicious, refreshing and provide plenty of water. Even the little ones in the house enjoy it.

Now is the perfect time to offer fruit more often. If the child is not particularly enthusiastic, there is a wide variety of recipes to prepare the different types of fruit and gradually incorporate them into the menu on a regular basis.

You can use it to make cold soups, such as watermelon gazpacho or melon cream. Of course, you can also use fruits such as mango, pineapple and apples in salads. The possibilities are endless!

New types of fruit for child-friendly nutrition
Fruit should not be missing in the diet of children in summer. It’s refreshing and provides many important nutrients that promote wellbeing.

2. Cream of vegetable soups and salads

When it is very warm, everyone feels like fresh, light recipes and children also benefit greatly from them. You can replace cooked vegetables and hot vegetable soups with refreshing recipes.

Vegetables provide important nutrients, so regular consumption is associated with a lower risk of certain diseases in adulthood. 

Gazpacho or Vichyssoise are two delicious cold soups that children also enjoy in summer. You can also prepare salads with pasta or legumes and vegetables. Almost all children like cucumbers and peppers.

3. Homemade ice cream for a child-friendly diet

Children love ice cream, that’s no secret. However,  most of the ice creams bought are high in sugar, fat, and other unhealthy additives. 

But that’s not a problem, because you can easily and quickly prepare ice cream at home without the need for specific equipment.

  • Sorbets made from ice cream and the child’s favorite fruit taste great.
  • If your child prefers creamy ice cream, you can use milk, coconut milk, yogurt, or avocado.
  • Cocoa, vanilla or crushed fruit give the ice cream a delicious taste. You don’t need any coloring or artificial flavors.

4. Child-friendly nutrition: cook together!

During school hours, the daily routine leaves little time. Parents are usually very busy too,  but the summer vacation is the perfect time for children to help out in the kitchen. 

Your child will develop their curiosity in the kitchen and get to know new smells and tastes. As a result, it is ready to eat more variedly and also learns a lot about the quality of the food. In this way, it builds a healthy relationship with food and is ready to try new things.

You don’t have to adapt the recipes or make major preparations. Your child can help you wash or cut the vegetables, mix chickpeas for humus, or bake a cake. They are sure to have a lot of fun doing this and use their imaginations to try new recipes and food combinations.

Child-friendly nutrition: cook together!
In summer, children can help with cooking, it’s fun for everyone!

5. Setting a good example

It is also important that parents take on the role of role models, because this is how children learn the most. They observe and imitate their parents and  will eat more fruits and vegetables if they see this in their parents. 

Take into account the following aspects:

  • Sit at the table with your children and give them enough time to make the meal pleasant and fun.
  • Offer your children a wide variety of healthy foods, especially fruits and vegetables.
  • Don’t force them to eat, as this could make them manias. It is best to keep offering certain foods against. Don’t forget to be a good role model: if you don’t eat spinach yourself, you can’t ask your child to do the same!

6. Child-friendly nutrition: light meals

In summer, children spend a lot of time outdoors, but when it’s very warm, they don’t always have a great appetite. The metabolic rate and enzymatic activity are slower, so there is less desire to eat. 

Therefore, light dishes with little sauce and fat are recommended. The dishes should be easy to digest. They can contain dried fruit, oily fish, lentil fruit, or whole grains, all of which are high in nutrients.

7. Sufficient water!

In the warm season of the year, hydration is particularly important for children. They need more water than adults and should therefore drink regularly. 

Experts remind us of the importance of constantly telling children  to drink because they often forget to drink. This is particularly important at high temperatures and a lot of exercise. However, don’t forget that there are big differences between the various drinks:

  • Water is the best option and should be a habit. Milk is also healthy for children.
  • Sugared drinks, such as cola or juices, should be avoided. They increase the risk of obesity and tooth decay.
  • Energy drinks not only contain a lot of sugar, but also contain other additives that are not suitable for children.
Child-friendly nutrition: water must not be missing!
Children need to drink regularly. Water or other natural beverages with no sugar and no stimulants are best.

Child-friendly nutrition in summer

So that children can eat healthily in summer and absorb the necessary vital substances,  they should be given plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Other fresh foods are of course also important. It is also important to keep regular eating times in summer. Fresh, light meals that you can prepare together with your child are best!

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